TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Marina Codorniu Matas
The EPSA Training for New Trainers aims to encourage the members from EPSA and its partner organisations to become soft skills trainers.
So in this event, participants learn all they need to perform as trainers in the future. Nevertheless, this event is also a training full of self-discovery and learning experiences.
The target group of this training was formed by youth from the following countries: Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Armenia, Poland, Turkey
Participants were encouraged to learn by doing, discussing with each other and exploring their skills, emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
- The first session of the event was team building and it was based on ice breaker and get to know each other games. A safe environment was set from the beginning.
- Another example can be the Activity and Game Design session, in which participants discovered how to design a game and designed one by their own.
- During the Communication session, participants had activities in which they needed to listen actively to the others and give feedback, as well as to use their body language, voice tone and verbal communication.
4MAT was the method used to structure the whole training event and its sessions. In each session, participants were having interactive activities and games through which they were learning.
The training achieved a very nice outcome: once the event was over, participants expressed that they were highly motivated to start their activity as trainers as soon as possible!
In addition, participants needed to fill in an evaluation form through which they could share their thoughts on the training course. The feedback was excellent.
I was one of the trainers in the Trainer's Team. We all co-created the concept and the sessions of the event, we did the preparations, delivered the sessions as co-trainers and reported the course together.