TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Mary Drosopoulos
-To provide young people with tools and competences which will make them more competitive in the labor market.
-To explore forms of alternative engagement with the market, such as self-employment and social enterpreneurship.
-To help young people network, exchange good practices and explore new professional opportunities
In this thematic week we had participants from Greece, Albania, the Russian Federation and FYROM.
-interactive workshops based on NFL methods (learn by doing, empathy, communicative approach etc).
-peer to peer training/group work
-Participants gained skills and competences which they can use in the labor market.
-their widened their knowledge in fields such as intercultural education, alternative teaching methods, social entrepeneurship, use of new technologies, starting up a business etc.
-networking and exploration of new opportunities.
To see the complete program:
-Full time trainer/program leader