This is a reference for Armin Cerkez

Digital tools and online campaigning for active participation in democratic processes

The training activity took place
in Berlin, Germany
organised by Youth Power Germany e.V.
04/01/2023 - 14/01/2023
Reference person

Daniel Medeiros

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The aim of this project is to empower our members and youth workers, raising their knowledge and skills level in the field of Strategic planning; to produce during this project 5 Strategic planning documents, one for each of the partner organization; to strengthen the partnership between our organization and produce new projects on a European level so we can continue to support each other, educate our youth workers and grow together.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

On this LTTA youth workers/teachers/educators will firstly learn more about the current situation in partner countries when it comes to digital campaigns, how digital campaigns are developed and which tools are used, how to use different tools for developing online campaigns, and at the end how to develop local community level activities for educating young people on online campaigning for active participation in democratic processes.
This Training Course was for 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Montenegro

Training methods used & main activities

We will educate youth workers/teachers/educators on what digital tools and digital campaigns for democracy are, how to use them and how to develop local activities for youngsters on the topic of online campaigning.
The topic that we are focused on in this LTTA is Digital tools and online campaigning for active participation in democratic processes. It is not enough just to understand how political systems function, it is also relevant where and how youngsters inform themselves about the political system, and relevant and current issues that affect them and their community; as well as digital tools that can be used in the democratic processes.

Outcomes of the activity

To enhance cooperation between our youth workers and organizations
To explore Erasmus+
To explore the Youthpass certificate and frame of 8 key competences
To analyse and discuss the situation in our countries on online campaigning as part of democratic processes
To learn more and gain skills of developing online campaigns for democratic participation
To explore and learn about monitoring and evaluation of online campaigns
To gain insights and practical skills on developing online campaigns through use of paid and free tools
To develop activities for local communities focused on raising knowledge and skills of youngsters for development of online campaigns as part of democratic processes.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was in role as senior trainer leading the training course.

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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