This is a reference for Dan Moxon

Different Voices in Global Conversations

The training activity took place
in Preston, Lancashire
organised by University of Central Lancashire
Sept 2012
Reference person

Cath Larkins

(Young People's Strand Project Coordinator)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Taken from the publicity flyer:

'Global Conversations' is a conference for groups of children and young people from across the world to come together and share ideas about the world they live in.
About the Event
The conference has three themes, and children and young people who take part will be able to share their ideas in creative ways with each other around the personal, political and cultural themes.

Children and young people from all over the world have been invited to come along, or join in on-line.

This event is linked with an International Childhood and Youth Research Network conference which runs side by side with Global conversations. The International Child and Youth Research Network (ICYRN) are a group of people from all over the world who meet and discuss ways to carry out research with and about children and young people. This year they are meeting in Preston at the University of Central Lancashire as part of their Preston Guild activities.

There will be spaces for Children and Young people to share their ideas directly with each other as well as with adults from the Research Conference.

This event is for young people aged 8 to 19 from across the world. We are inviting International Delegates to attend for the full three days, and UK delegates to attend for the day (see below for more details on ages and booking).

For more information about what we are doing, have a look at our programme which has been designed entirely by young people from our planning group.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The conference included participants from across the globe, including europe, asia and the UK.

Participants were under , with over 18s attending as support workers. The conference ran alongside an academic event for researchers , and there were a variety of activities that brought together adults researchers and young people

Training methods used & main activities

open space, youth led research, workshops and informal learning, multimedia

Outcomes of the activity

Videos, and outcomes can be viewed here

The conference also led to an academic book being published entitled "Participation, Citizenship and Intergenerational Relations in Children and Young People’s Lives: Children and Adults in Conversation"

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I helped supported the young peoples planning group to plan and design the event

I provide training and facilitation support, coordinated and designed the bookings process and acted as a consultant to provide advice on programme design leading up to the event.

I provided support for young people to train and facilitate others

I worked on this training for 3 days training, project support also provided for several months leading up to this. days as a full time trainer.

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