TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Eliza Zadluzna
"Cultural Everest" was international TC organised by Czech National Agency. The aims of the training were to to help participants to understand and include more the intercultural aspect in Youth in Action projects and well as to promote intercultural learning in youth work in general.
Group consisted of 14 participants from 10 different countries (both programme and partner countries), and trainers' team consisted of trainers from Czech, Poland. During the whole training non-formal education methods were used.
Participants were coming both from programme and partner countries and included such countries as: Czech, Slovakia, Denmark, Turkey,Italy, Moldowa, Ukraine, Serbia, Palestine, Bosnia, Algeria, Azerbaijan and Albania.
During the training non-formal learning methods were used including: simulation games, group discussions, theatre, word-cafe, making collages, as well artistic methods. All learning was based on experience, and only afterwards it was reflected and conclusion were drawn by participants.
Participants after this course are able to
· understand the complexity of culture and the concept of intercultural learning,
· know the basics of Youth in action programme and youth projects management,
· are able to implement intercultural learning into their realistic project ideas.
I was one of the 3 trainers preparing, leading and evaluating this training course.