TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Marta Brzezińska-Hubert
1. Aims & objectives:
- to give tools to raise active participation of urban youth with fewer opportunities based on their needs
- to give the inspiration for creating the new tools
- to increase participants' skills to use the methods to attract and motivate youth
- to provide basis for vision and empowerment in youth work in urban areas
- to give the participants the clear understanding of possibilities within the ‘Youth in Action’ Programme
- to increase motivation to make use of ‘Youth in Action’ Programme
- to give space for sharing experiences and best practices
- to give possibilities for contacts and partnerships
Training course was meant for youth workers and youth leaders
directly working with young people from the cities, especially from disadvantaged urban/suburban areas. International group- participants from Turkey, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Slovakia.
Team of trainers: Femke Gordjin (NL), Marta Brzezińska-Hubert (PL), Denise Muller (Germany), Jaka Kovac (SLovenia)
Methods were maily experiential, based on creativity, such as outdoor games, workshop (recycle music orchestra, body work, drama, judo), group work (the needs of target goup) individual work (creating own tool), tool market)
PArticipants left the training with concrete visions/ideas for tools they can use in their environment, with concrete target group. According to participants' evaluation, the training gave them many new ideas for acitivities that can be done with urban youth with no/little materials or money. They could "practice" their creativity, got inspired and empowered how much can be done using recycling materials or sport/theatre methods with youngsters.
I was acively involved in training project design, preparation (co-organization),running and evaluating the training in trainers' team.