This is a reference for Tiziano Tomassini

Conducting youth unemployment

The training activity took place
in Istanbul, Turkey
organised by Active Citizens of Europe Turkey

Aims & objectives

The main objectives of the project is to provide an idea to the participants on the current situation of youth unemployment , and what its implications& causes are. It was also an open debate on exchanging ideas of combating youth unemployment, especially entrepreneurship and other youth support mechanisms, that might vary from country to country.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Our partnership structure allowed a real debate as we had the presence of Italy and Greece from EU countries experiencing high level of youth unemployment along with Bulgaria and Romania as well as Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova which provided a possibility of discussion on spreading a model for emerging economies along with more established structures of EU.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal training tools were the main medium of the training, so as to provide youth a real opportunity to grasp better all debated issues and create a knowledge that can be transferable to their stakeholders at home.

Outcomes of the activity

Participants used CANVAS model in order to create their own social business and so with this simulation some of them tried to put on reality some ideas. We received very positive feedback from the participants.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team


I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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