TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Milena (Lazic) Nikolic
Aim: Raising awareness on the importance of the ICL dimension in youth educational activities and reflecting on how to improve the practices of ICL; how to enhance the quality of international projects on ICL; how to have deeper impact within the local communities, how to support better understanding of different cultures.
Topics: Quality in ICL activities for youth, Culture, Identity and Culture, Prejudice, Stereotypes and Discrimination.
22 youth workers and leaders coming from Italy, Albania, Serbia, Cyprus, Netherlands, Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Poland.
Team of Trainers
Panayiotis Theodorou – Cyprus
Salvi Greco – Italy
Milena Nikolic – Serbia
The methodology used is specific to experiential learning, non‐formal education/learning, both individual and group methods, applying the concept of “participants centered approach”, taking highly into consideration their learning/personal needs.
During the seminar participants have:
- Explored what was done throughout the years and projects about ICL, best (and worst) practices, competencies, tools and methods, publications;
- Enhanced the meaning of multiple forms of culture, intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity from a perspective of everyday life;
- Been stimulated and challenged in creating more in their local communities a supportive intercultural environment;
- Taken initiative to create activities and projects on intercultural learning for the local contexts and realities;
- Discussed common European values;
- Created an interactive learning and reflection group of youth workers and organization that will establish a long term international cooperation in Erasmus + projects.
I had a role of a full-time facilitator, meaning that I was responsible for design, implementation and evaluation of the learning program. The program was reviewed and evaluated every day and adjusted according to the learning needs of participants.