This is a reference for Andreea Munteanu (Astilean)

Better Start Coaching

The training activity took place
in Poland, Bielsko Biala
organised by FundacjaTkalniaRozwoju
19-24 august 2014

Aims & objectives

Develop coaching skills of youth-workers by coaching and non-formal methods.
Improve the knowledge about coaching process and provide KNOW-HOW in integrating it in non-formal education approaching ICF standards ( International Coaching Federation).
Create a space for cultural exchange and learning on youth coaching topic.
Create and test a new coaching method (photo-coaching) that can be used by youth workers during their work with young people.
Create and maintain a constant European network of youth-workers as coach, as import ant resources for European youth projects.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team was formed by 3 people from Poland and one from Romania.

The participants of the training were young unemployed people interested to become coach for other unemployeed youth. They came from 10 different countries: Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Hungary,Estonia.

Training methods used & main activities

Open Space
Human Library
Group discussion
Peer learning
Public speaking

Outcomes of the activity

The training achieved his objectives. The outcomes were new 3 coaching methods, photos, materials, testimonials and a Blog.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Senior Trainer- 6 days of full time trainng
Program Coordinator- defining the activities programs and methods

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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