This is a reference for Maram Anbar

“Believe in Dialogue, Act for Citizenship Regional Training Seminar on Intercultural Dialogue and Social Change”

The training activity took place
in Cairo, Egypt
organised by Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF)
1-6 June 2011

Aims & objectives

The main objective of the training seminar is to bring together representatives of civil
society organizations in the Arab world to reflect upon the recent developments in the
region from an intercultural perspective, while strengthening their knowledge and skills to
develop the capacity of their organisations as civil society actors in the democratic and
social transition, and to act as multipliers on the local and international levels.

- To explore the effects of the recent political and social changes on civil participation in
the Arab world,
- To strengthen the capacities of Arab civil society organizations, to develop skills in initiating, implementing and monitoring projects with an intercultural focus.
- To exchange knowledge and good practices about citizenship and democracy among
civil society operators, media and young activists.
- To make possible for members of the ALF Arab Networks through dialogue and personal
experiences to recognize mutual interests and potentials, and to support the South-
South cooperation.
- To disseminate good practices (i.e. Anna Lindh Bloggers and Intercultural Dialogue Tool
- To strengthen the communication between the ALF Arab networks and the ALF
Secretariat, and plan regional actions.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The participants were from: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunis, Mauritania, Algeria, Jordan and Palestine.

Training methods used & main activities

Non Formal Education and Experiential Learning.

Outcomes of the activity

Activities and projects to be implemented by the different ALF partners, development of skills and knowledge on social networks and how to use them, exchange of good practices and cooperation possibilities, and link with ALF heads of networks.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of two trainers responsible for developing the content and methods of the program, running various sessions, coordinating with the ALF support team and external experts, and writing a final report.

I worked on this training for 6 days days as a full time trainer.

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