This is a reference for suncana kusturin

Behavioural disorders-a view from a different corner

The training activity took place
in Zagreb, Croatia
organised by Association Play

Aims & objectives

Aim: Enhancing the care quality for youth with behavior disorders

General objective
Young professionals that work with youth with behavioral disorders will:
• Broaden the view point and understanding of the problems of youth with behavioral disorders
• Exchange the knowledge, experiences and approaches to the behavioral disorders problem
• Be encouraged for international cooperation in dealing with problems of youth with behavioral disorders
• Learn in intercultural surroundings and practice intercultural dialogue
• Be encouraged to make problems of youth with behavioral disorders more visible in their own societies
• Get the knowledge of different professional’s work realities in different European countries that influence the quality of life of youth with behavioral disorders

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group: Youth workers, social workers, social pedagogues and other professionals that work with children and youth with behavioral disorders from 11 European countries ( Serbia, Israel, Russia, Macedonia, Slovakia, Rumania, Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Croatia). International team of three trainers was in charge for the realization of the TC.

Trainers were from Croatia, Bosnia and Greece.

Training methods used & main activities

Training methods used
- conversation
- informing
- discussion
- role play
- writing
- lecture
- interactive games
- small group work
- simulation

Outcomes of the activity

All the participants broaden their knowledge about the behavioral disorders. They understand it better and they think differently about how to approach youth with behavioral disorders.
They all become aware of the cultural differences and were ready to learn from them. The fact that it was a period with lots of religious holidays helped them to get to know each other better.
The skills on how to work with youth with behavioral disorders were improved but not as much as all other segments of the TC.
TC accomplished stated goals and participants are more educated, willing and skilled for work with youth with behavioral disorders.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Tasks and responsibilities within the team:

Organizer – crating training idea, writing project proposal, organization of the training

Trainer – co-creation of program and workshops, realization of training activities, evaluation, writing trainer’s report

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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