TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Monika Kezaite-Jakniuniene
Appetiser is a training seminar for youth leaders, youth workers and volunteers, who are actively involved in their local youth work and would like to start doing international projects. The aim of this course is to provide first, positive and inspiring experiece for participants by introducing them the main pillars of international youth work - intercultural learning and non formal learning.
The team was composed of two trainers (me and Eylem Certel from Turkey) and National Agency representative Rasa Lazdina.
19 participants came from 12 different countries from Europe.
The methodology of Appetiser seminar is exceptionally based on the principles of non formal learning:
- experiential learning (simulation exercises)
- active parcitipation and involvement (active work with written material, work in groups, video and other artistic means of expression)
After the training course participants:
- shared experience of their local practices,
- got introduced to the benefits and value international youth work can provide,
- gained new knowledge about non formal learning,
- experienced and reflected intercultural learning,
- got introduced into Youth in Action by analysing good practice projects.
Together with my trainer colleague I was responsible for preparing, implementing and evaluating the programme and learning process of participants.