TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
Thе aim of thе projеct is to fostеr capacity building of trainеrs and youth workеrs in order to raise awarеnеss of gеndеr issuеs, by equiping thеm with compеtеnciеs within non-formal lеarning methodologies to implement.
Gеndеr stеrеotypеs continuе to еxist еvеn today at all lеvеls of sociеty and for all agе groups, particularly when childrеn comе into contact with еarly gеndеr stеrеotypеs through TV sеriеs, advеrtising, picturе books and othеr еducation matеrial that somеhow affеct thеir pеrcеption of how malе and fеmalе should bеhavе.
This Training Course was for 32 participants (Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders) coming from France, Italy, Morocco, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey.
Getting to know each other and Teambuliding: a set of dynamics that sought to learning how to unleash the team's power and potential, discover new solutions to help people enhance team's effectiveness and cohesiveness ande xplore ways to build team motivation and commitment to team objectives and understanding the role of each team member
Objectives, schedule introduction; event page Expectations, fears and contributions, offered the participants the chance to share their inputs towards the training course and to establish a common ground;
Introduction of concepts: divided in teams, participants were asked to define concepts by words and translated them into drawings of human shapes.
Labelling gender: Session divided into 2 parts: part one, in teams, participants were encouraged to write and share different jokes and sayings they do have in their social environment that make reference to gender roles. Part 2, following the world café method, there were displayed different topics in each table where participants talked and reflected about how gender socialization takes place in our communities. The conclusions showed the gender mandates we are all being given in our society. The topics were: Family, Religion, Education, Art and Media.
Difference hurts? was a simulation game where the participants were given specific roles connected with gender violence and discrimination and were asked to assume the roles as much as possible;
Social Reality Check: participants were given an specific personal situation (I was raped by my father, I have 2 mothers, I am cocaine addict, etc) which they have to internalize and show to the rest. In a second part, every participant thought about 3 questions they would like to make to another person and share them with a randomly given person in the room.
Gender equality at work, a structured discussion and brainstorming using the Japanese Ishikawa method aiming to share and analyse various experiences related to gender (in)equality;
Teather: gender stereotypes – the participants were split in intercultural groups and had to act different types of conflicts: in a couple, in family, at work and with authorities connected with the the training topic. Then, they played and the other participants had to analyse the conflict and to identify stereotypes.
Comflig: Conflict resolution activities focused on gender issues and communication. By means of drawing dictation, participants proved how communication processes are also affected by gender mandates that conveyed gender roles and inequalities. They understood how psychological, physical, semantic and physiological noises affect communication and interpretation of others.
Judge me! - the participants had to debate some controversial statements and then to be analysed by the judges, each judge having a different role while creating the statements.
Workshops by the participants was a section which allowed the participants to be creative and share their own experiences on 2 topics: dealing with policy makers and public speaking;
Debate about sexual identity: participants divided intro 3 teams. Team A should defend the idea that sexual identity is something you are being born with, team B should defend the opposite idea and team 3 should be the jury that would set a conclusion. After preparing their statements, team A and B are suddenly invited to change their position and defend right the opposite idea they were defending but without using any or the arguments and reasons that were already given.
LGTBI+ rights: Discussion about the civil and human rights LGTBI+ community has or should have (depending on the country you live in). 4 people are invited to sit in an inner circle of chairs (surrounded by the rest of the participants) and are the only ones allowed to speak about the topic. After some minutes, everybody is invited to join the discussion but only using writing communication but interacting with whoever they wanted to. The methodology highlighted the idea that many times the achievement of rights seemed to be a topic discussed and accepted by decision makers and politicians, and many people are just simply watchers.
Win as much as you can: A game to explore how sub-groups in a larger team can balance their desire to win more as a sub-group with their desire to win as a team and also to reflect on how cooperation and competition might affect multiparty negotiations
Gender in my youth work: according to the power relation established by gender roles in society, using Augusto Boal’s theatre of the oppressed, participants were asked to perform, without speaking, the role of a powerful person (team A) and powerless person (team B) and interact following their idea and perception of power. The methodology highlights the different meanings of power relations we find in our everyday situation and specially in our position as a youth worker and/or teacher, facilitators, trainers …
Lobbying and Advocacy: group brainstorming on the idea and meaning of lobbying and advocacy, participants were divided into 4 teams to focused on presenting and advocating on an specific situations dealing with women and LGTBI+ rights.
The recommendations for various categories of stakeholders in relation with gender issues and gender equality;
"A seed to grow" presentation video ( aiming to raise awareness on the importance of gender equality and possible approaches with non formal education;
I was a full time trainer in charge of the sessions related to gender equality, cultural diversity, human rights education, nonformal learning framework and future cooperation & networking.