TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Riccardo Gulletta
- To promote youth work and youth participation in the Mediterranean region.
- To foster political mainstreaming of the youth-related issues and youth policy development in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, based on shared experiences, standards and mechanisms of the Council of Europe and in light of regional needs and initiatives.
- To reinforce the capacity-building of different “quadrilogue” actors in the field of youth at both regional and national levels.
- To promote Euro-Arab and Mediterranean youth co-operation and Global Youth Work and foster the development of networks that can serve as trans-Mediterranean communities of practice.
- To mainstream human rights, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship as essential dimensions of global education and the work with young people, in the framework of Euro- Arab and Mediterranean Youth Co-operation.
- To identify good practice and shared experience to be incorporated in concrete follow-up activities to ensure sustainable outcomes from MedUni.
The target group was composed by representatives of youth organisations and youth movements from European and MEDA countries, involved in 6 parallel trainings and/or meetings with an overarching joint programme.
The Joint Programme facilitation team was integrated by trainers from Italy, Egypt, Tunisia and Austria.
Theatre, music, plastic arts, audiovisual, dances and other sorts of cultural expressions; round table. All the activities were focused on a Non Formal Education approach.
All the outcomes of the activities are captured in detail on the North-South Centre website:
Each of the 6 individual activities of the University has its own specific outcomes: for the Joint Programme, the main outcome is to have been the bridge between and among all the activities and all the participants and to have created a sense of community within the University.
The Facilitation team was supported by the organisers, in particular by the Programme Manager for Youth Cooperation of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, to ensure that the programme was running according to the MedUni objectives and the proposed contents.
Role of the Joint Programme General Coordinator:
- Meeting of all the partners of the University to coordinate their needs and present the proposals for the Joint Programme.
- Responsible for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the Joint Programme of the MedUni, facilitating the inputs by partners and participants.
- Plan and facilitate the smooth implementation of the activities for the participants in the MedUni.
- Coordination of the team of facilitators of the Joint Programme.
- Coordinate all the logistics with the logistics team for the Joint Programme activities.
- Work with the organising partners of the MedUni and other staff supporting the Joint Programme.