This is a reference for Riccardo Gulletta

13th University of Youth and Development

The training activity took place
in Mollina, Spain
organised by Nort-South Centre of the Council of Europe
16-23 September 2012
Reference person

Andreia Henriques

(Manager of Youth Co-operation Programme of North-South Centre)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

- To create a political space where youth can act upon and acknowledge the role they play in Global Development.
- To initiate and encourage debate aimed at defining the role youth play in elaborating development policies and in co-operation for development initiatives.
- To facilitate a process aimed at defining and implementing projects within the field of youth.
- "Youth Rights" was the Joint Theme for the 13th edition of the University on Youth and Development, as well as for the sister Universities, the University of Participation and Citizenship, in Uruguay, and the African University on Youth and Development, in Cape Verde.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group was composed by representatives of youth organisations and youth movements from all over the world, involved in 9 parallel trainings and/or meetings with an overarching joint programme.
The Joint Programme facilitation team was integrated by trainers from Slovenia, Italy, Uruguay, Spain and Austria.

Training methods used & main activities

Theatre, music, plastic arts, sports and games, dances and other sorts of cultural expressions; round table; NGO fair. All the activities were focused on a Non Formal Education approach.

Outcomes of the activity

All the outcomes are captured in detail on the Universities community website:
Each of the 9 individual activities of the University has its own specific outcomes: for the Joint Programme, the main outcome is to have been the bridge between and among all the activities and all the participants and to have created a sense of community within the University.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

The Facilitation team was supported by the organisers, in particular by the Programme Manager for Youth Cooperation of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, to ensure that the programme was running according to the UYD objectives and the proposed content.
Role of the Joint Programme Co-Facilitator:
- Meeting of all the partners of the University to coordinate their needs and present the proposals for the Joint Programme.
- Responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Joint Programme of the UYD facilitating the inputs by partners and participants.
- Plan and facilitate the smooth implementation of the activities for the participants in the UYD.
- Assist in leading the team of facilitators of the Joint Programme.
- Coordinate all the logistics with the logistics team for the Joint Programme activities.
- Work with the organising partners of the UYD and other staff supporting the Joint Programme.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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