TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Mainly working as a professional coach, life & business; I'm an enterpreneur owner of an acupunture center and real estate consultant.
As a trainer I work on soft skills, effective communication, contact, body centering; my approach is focused on emotions and experiential learning.
I use tools as musictherapy, mindfulness, internal martial arts.
I'm an art lover, I play cello and electric guitar.
"Any bad experience is better than no experience!"
Davide Ricca has 4 references for past work as a trainer.
Coach / Enterpreneur
- 1on1 sessions for life&business coaching. High experience on eating disorders, mind and body awareness, career and enterpreneurship.
- Coaching for couples. Emotional awareness, relationship goals and health, experiential learning.
- Trainer for youth / International trainer / trainer for trainers. Soft skills, effective communication, group dynamics as relevant topics.
- Education and formation. 5 years of Internal Education Responsible in AICP (biggest italian coaching organization). 2 years of experience as Regional reference, currently in the national team.
I get an university degree in Scienze Motorie; after that I made a Master on Personal Training, which introduced me to coaching. I won scholarship and I studied to become a coach. I got continous formation on various disciplines, that now I use within my sessions and/or training like, for example, musicotherapy, mindfulness, EMDR, activities involving the body and internal martial arts. Very often I cooperate with psychologists. In 2019, with my colleague Elena Angela Russo, I founded the Radical Learning method, based on systemic approach, emotional intelligence, somatic intuition.
This profile was last modified on 2020-09-15