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Start thinking critically booklet

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The following booklet contains a summary of the acquired knowledge about the topic media literacy and critical thinking, gathered by the participants of the youth exchange 'Start thinking,critically' organized in Hidiselu de Sus, Romania.

Aims of the tool

The aim of this booklet is to offer an insight about subtopics that can be covered under the topic media literacy and critical thinking, including some key concepts, an overview of technological change, as well as some practical tools which can help to maintain a more conscious use of the internet in order to be more productive.

Description of the tool

This tool contains a short introduction to the youth exchange 'Start thinking, critically!', an overview of the key concepts used within this subject (media literacy, critical thinking, mass-media); an overview of the technological changes that have taken place since the invention of books, an introduction to the concept of cognitive bias, and some tools which can contribute to a more productive and efficient use of the social platforms, devices and of the internet in general.


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Tool overview

Start thinking critically booklet

This tool addresses

Personal Development

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Gyongy Alexandru (on 18 October 2018)

and last modified

16 October 2018

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