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FORUM THEATRE - Playing Forum

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To use interactive theatre techniques as a rehearsal for social change in reality, by throwing up possible coping strategies to assist a group in investigating possible solutions to particular oppressions and challenges.

Description of the tool

CAUTON: Theatre of the Oppressed technique is very powerful method and can provoke (often do) very strong and hard feelings. PLEASE DO NOT USE this tool if you are not experience enough and if you don’t have adequate education in Theatre of the Oppressed !!!! Theatre skills and psychotherapy skills are definitely welcomed for using the technique.

1. Topics for forum theatre
30 min

Brainstorming on all kinds of oppression we can remember; it can be larger categories (sexism, racism, media manipulation, peer pressure etc). Now, we should come to 4 topics. Choose from the list 2 your choices. Then choose from the chosen (1 choice) again.

4 topics. Stand near the topic, which you’ll like to work on. Should be 5 - 6 people in each group. We can change the groups around if they are not so equal.

Explanation of preparation of Forum theatre – going through the steps.

2. Forum preparation

45 min – 150 min
Small group work;
Depending on time given for the preparation, plays will be more or less complex and more or less applicable for using the technique (more time – better performances – more opportunity for exploring).

2. Explanation of Forum technique
10 min

We’ll play one performance, do forum, do sharing, and then go to next one.
Each performance last about 15 min. We’ll have 1 hour to practice forum or two different methods called STOP THINK and STOP COURT mode.

Explanation of the technique: You’ll see the performance. After it has finished, you’ll have the opportunity to come to the role of the protagonist (the person who is oppressing others within the play) and try to do something different as idea for better solution of the situation. All other characters will react spontaneous according to the character role. Be in your character, but if something causes your change then – change. If not, then don’t.

Questions for the audience: Could the protagonist do / react differently somewhere, so the situation ends differently? Where? Tell the spot – we’ll play the performance again. In the moment you want to go in shout “STOP” and change the protagonist.

After intervention: Was it a progress? Why? Why not? Is this a good tactics?
Does anybody else go to try the same scene? OK….
Some other scenes, ideas?

If someone proposes something, which you find unrealistic, shout “STOP MAGIC”. We are not for magical solution.

Time: 8 hours

1 Forum play
2 h 15 min
Playing the performance (15 min)
Practising Forum (changing the protagonist) 1 h
Sharing of the feelings 1 h

2 Forum play
2 h 15 min
Playing the performance (15 min)
Practising Forum (changing the protagonist) 1 h
Sharing of the feelings 1 h

3 Forum play
2 h
Playing the performance (15 min)
Using method: STOP-THINK (20-30 min)
Performance goes again but anyone from the audience can stop the play and to ask some character what he/she thinks in the moment. Someone from the audience shout: STOP THINK (says the name of the character, example mother)! then all characters freeze and mother (called character) should say anything that goes through her head in that moment, on sign of the trainer performance goes further with regular text, then again someone can call Stop think etc.
Sharing of the feelings 1 h

4 Forum play
2 h
Playing the performance (15 min)
Using method: STOP-COURT (20-30 min)
Performance goes again but anyone from the audience can stop the play and to ask some character questions about motivation (Why you did that? Why you go there? Why you’re shouting on him? What do you think about this/that? Etc) like the characters is on court and character should try to defend himself. Someone from the audience shout: STOP COURT (says the name of the character, example mother)! then all characters freeze and mother (called character) should answer all questions asked by the audience - the same as in a real court. On the sign of the trainer performance goes further with regular text, then again someone can call Stop court etc.
Sharing of the feelings 1 h

DEROLING – stay in circle, everyone should say name, surename and where he/she is in the moment (example: Susie Taylor, and the training of Theatre of the Oppressed in Paris).
Circle of deep breathing (3 times, in and out)

CAUTON: All this process is very depending on the group you are working with and on trainer’s skills. It can last much shorter and it can need even more time. If you have free time that’s ok, just do something else. But always leave enough time for sharing – don’t try to do this in shorter time – you can be lucky sometimes for everything to go well but it will be really hard if you provoke feelings and then don’t have time to work on them.


  • Alternative proposal for other timing and focus of the different steps (based on experience of SALTO TC 2 Tolerance & Diversity):
    1. Divide into 3 groups of 6-8
    - exchange about situations where you've been confronted with racism (either as an observer or an oppressed person). This should be an unsolved situation.
    - decide for two situations, your group like to focus on (fascilitator should guarantee, that these are situations, where possible solutions can be find in the Forum theatre)
    3. Plenary: each group presents in 1 minute its both situations. Trainer collects the cases, tries to group similar ones and then each person has to vote for 1 situation. The new groups shouldn't be bigger then 6-8 persons, otherwise divide them into 2 groups.
    4. -->follow Step 2. above - 45 minutes for small groups to prepare situation
    5. Forum theatre (see above) - 60 minutes for each situation is also possible and can be quite intensive.

    Unknown , 22 November 2003 23:23:47
  • Used in SALTO Tolerance & Diversity TC2 2003.
    Following on from this methods, forms of oppression, from mild to severe forms, were discussed with the group. Participants were asked to reflect on the forms in relation to their reality and shared this in small groups. Back in plenary a group list of the forms was created.

    Sharon Holder , 1 December 2003 19:30:01

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

15 - 25 people

and addresses

Anti-Racism, Conflict Management

Materials needed:

flipchart, A4 papers, tapes, costumes and requisites (as much as possible - it can be improvised with clothes and things of participants)


Half a day for preparation - 3 hours One day for playing - 8 hours

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Marija Farmer (on 14 September 2003)

and last modified

17 December 2008

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