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Exercise, Energiser

Employability thinking tank

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The tool consists of two parts which can be used together or separately (teamwork and agree-disagree type of activity).
It may be a separate session or an intro to employability topic in youth-, as well as lifelong learning projects.

Aims of the tool

- To have participants reflect, discuss and understand their position in the job market
- To make participants think about the consequences of employment and unemployment

Description of the tool

Session description

1) Discussion groups [20 mins+25 mins]
The facilitator starts the session splitting the participants in two groups. Groups are given one topic each to think about and outline a presentation to be carried out in plenary.
The topics will be:
- skills, attitudes and knowledge you need to have in order to get a job;
- skills, attitudes and knowledge you need to have in order to keep a job.

Plenary discussion [25 mins]
The facilitator asks groups to present their work and leads the following discussion.

2) Agree / Disagree [30 mins]
Participants stand in the centre of the room and the facilitator starts reading a statement and asking participants whether they agree or disagree. Participants will stand in the room according to their opinions.
Once the participants have made up their mind, the facilitator will ask to express their opinions one by one and, when there's nobody willing to speak anymore (or after a certain time), they all go back to the starting point and the facilitator gives a new statement.
The activity is repeated until all the statements have been covered or the time is over.


The facilitator hangs the "Agree" and the "Disagree" signs on two sides of the room.

Depending on the questions asked (see uploaded docs for examples) the tool may address the topics of gender equality, different abilities, inclusion, youth participation, etc.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Employability thinking tank

This tool is for

Youth who is out of the employability market yet; youthworkers; youth leaders.

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Disability, Peer education, Gender issues, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking

Materials needed:

Markers; flipchart paper; pencils; paper; sticky tape


~ 75 mins

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Oleksandra Bakun; Giammarco Rene Casanova

in the context of

The tool was developed during the 34th Convention of YEU "Job Hunters" on Cyprus

The tool has been experimented in

34th Youth Convention of Internatinal network Youth for Exchange and Understanding "Job Hunters", Cyprus,

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Oleksandra Bakun (on 29 October 2015)

and last modified

24 October 2015

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