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Mind the Map in EuroMed

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A collaborative concept-mapping activity to explore, inquire and share information about the specificities of being a trainer in the EuroMed Youth field.

Aims of the tool

• To explore the different aspects and realities in EuroMed youth work
• To exchange information from different perspectives
• To find a common understanding about the realities in EuroMed in order to address them in a training activity

Description of the tool

1. Divide the participants in small working groups (4-6 pax.) with a balanced number of members from Meda and EU countries.
2. Distribute 1 keyword written on post-it note and 1 piece of A4 paper:
• Young People
• Political Framework
• Language
• Financial resources
• Demographics
• Family
• Education
• Labour Market
• Religion, etc.

3. Ask each team to write 10 questions about the keyword they received in relation to the specificities of being a trainer in EuroMed. (15 minutes)
4. Collect the questions and the post-it notes.
5. Prepare a large piece of paper or flipchart sheet with a keyword (either with a post-it or written) in the centre and distribute it to the groups making sure that they receive a different keyword from the one they used to ask the questions.
6. Explain that now the activity will explore the connection between the keyword and the specificities of being a trainer in EuroMed using a mind-map and the questions the other groups have prepared about that keyword.
7. Allow 40 minutes for them to make the mind maps. Tell them that they have to be as clear as possible and both the connections between the keyword and the topic and the answers to the guiding questions have to be included. If available, a computer with internet access and some publication can help them to research on the different keywords.
8. Invite the teams to share their mind maps. Ask them to take notes of everything that is not clear or about anything they would ask or share.
9. Lead them to plenary for debriefing.

• What was easier: to ask the questions or to find the connections in the mind map?
• Did you succeed in including all the answers in the mind map? What was missing or remained disconnected?
• Was it helpful to clarify the links and the situation in EuroMed?
• What was most interesting point in your mind map? Did you get new information about training in EuroMed?
• How can you apply the information you learnt? Is it useful? How?
• What was the purpose of making other groups ask questions? Was it useful?
• What are the conclusions you can draw about being a trainer in EuroMed from the discussions and mind-map exercise?

Instead of asking questions and focusing on one single aspect, distribute all the keywords to every group and ask them to produce a general mind-map. This will provide a more comprehensive, though much complex approach, especially for more experienced trainers in the region.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Mind the Map in EuroMed

This tool is for

Trainers within EuroMed youth work

and addresses

EuroMed, Intercultural Learning, Peer education

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking
Capacity Building

Materials needed:

• Flipchart sheets (1 per team)
• A4 white sheets (2 per team)
• Post-it notes with keywords
• Markers
• Computer with Internet access
• EuroMed publications


90 minutes

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Juan Ratto-Nielsen

in the context of

the publication "Trainers' Competences within EuroMediterranean Youth Work" SALTO EuroMed RC, 2014.

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Juan Ratto-Nielsen (on 22 May 2014)

and last modified

20 May 2014

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