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Lotus Blossom

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To find the root causes of the problem/issue in resemblance of peeling of the petals of the lotus blossom flower in which each petal opens another one underneath.

Description of the tool

The problem or issue (main theme) is written in a circle in the middle of the flipchart paper. The group is suggested to find the main causes of the problem/obstacles preventing to solve or deal with an issue. It is important that the group would agree on the 8 main causes/obstacles. These 8 main causes are written in circles around the main problem like satellites.

Each of the 8 main causes/obstacles are written in the middle of separate flipcharts and became the main cause/obstacle. The participants are asked to form 8 groups to work with one of the cause/obstacle and to define 8 causes of the main cause. As the result the whole group finds 64 root causes of the main problem/issue which are mostly interconnected. (please see downloads)
After this process it is possible to continue working wit root causes to develop a strategy for further steps


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Any. In ideal case divisible by 8.

and addresses

Project Management, Conflict Management, Organisational Management, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Action 4.3 (Training and Networking)
Action 5.1 (Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy)

Materials needed:

At least 9 flipchart papers and markers


Depending on a group size from 30 to 60 minutes

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Adopted and Experimented by the youth policy WG of the Network of Multipliers of the EC Youth in Action Programme

in the context of

The tools was used during the seminar while working on the reasons for low influence of young people on youth policy

The tool has been experimented in

International Seminar "Participation of young people in the process of youth policy development", Ukraine, March 2010

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Andriy Donets (on 31 July 2010)

and last modified

31 July 2010

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