ID Talks Magazine - All articles in one!
11 September - 6 November 2024, Online
This series of the ID Talks will take you on a journey across Europe to hear experiences from youth workers who create inclusive international youth projects.
How to start with inclusive international youth work? Where do you find the right partners, how do you create an inclusive environment, or what do you have to take into account for inclusive project design and learning?
In Autumn 2024 the ID Talks will have a closer look at stories, which were discovered by the Strategic Partnership for Inclusion during the ID Travels around Europe in their quest to collect inspiration, tips, and tricks from youth workers who implement projects in Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps. They contribute to shaping a new generation of inclusive EU youth programmes.
You can check out the ID Travels videos here.
“ID Talks” is a series of 5 online workshops on 5 major topics to promote inclusion & diversity (ID) and quality youth work. It features youth workers, professionals and volunteers, from all over the world to share insights, research findings, food for thought, good practices or inspirational stories. They will guide participants through the pressing matters and challenges affecting Inclusion & Diversity and inspire them to make their programmes and organisations more inclusive, embrace human differences, look ahead and picture how the future of youth work and Inclusion & Diversity might be.
Each workshop begins with an input from a guest speaker. Afterwards, participants have the opportunity to engage in the discussion, ask questions and share about their own realities and experiences.
Every other Wednesday at 13h CET, from 11 September until 6 November 2024.
11 September (13h CET) > ID Talks Inclusive Partnerships (and project initiation) - The beauty of international youth projects is that we can learn from and with other organisations about inclusion and diversity. And finding the right partners is important to organise quality projects: partnerships that are build around common values and that help us achieve our inclusion goals. How and where do we find partner organisations and build strong partnerships? What is the key to successful project initiation? This ID Talk brings you first-hand experience and practical tips on how to give your inclusive international youth projects a quality start. Guest speaker: Morgaine Green, Otra Escuela, Spain
25 September (13h CET) > ID Talks Inclusive Preparation (of participants and teams) - Inclusion is a process that takes time and thought. In every activity, you can learn something new with and from the experts, team and participants involved. Though there is no one uniform model for all-inclusive and diversity-sensitive projects, one thing is uncompromisable: proper preparation of everyone involved in the project, from participants to experts, teams and local community. How to maintain inclusion as a core value when preparing our participants and teams? What can help us translate our values into practice? In this ID Talk, we will equip you with knowledge and tools to support participants and team members in developing their inclusion skills and working together for inclusive international youth projects. Guest speaker: Abderrahman Assorhani, Föreningen Framtidståget, Sweden
9 October (13h CET) > ID Talks Inclusive Administration (from budget to logistics) - When we plan an international youth experience in an inclusive and diversity-sensitive manner, we are sometimes worried that this could mean extra costs, administrative burden and impossible logistics requirements. So what special funding exists to support inclusive Erasmus+ youth and European Solidarity Corps projects? And what are the rules to follow? Have you considered making your projects more inclusive, but are you worried about the financial implications, managing logistics and bureaucracy? Do you want to make the best use of the available inclusion support? This ID Talk explores project administration through procedures and real-life examples. Guest speakers: Elzbieta Kosek, Kreisau-Initiative & Hanna Schuessler, JEUGEND fur Europa, Germany
23 October (13h CET) > ID Talks Inclusive Learning (and programme design) - Getting in contact with other people and sharing experiences is a powerful way of learning. However, for this learning to happen, we need to plan it conscientiously. When organising inclusive international youth experiences, we should we create the space and give tools for young people and team members to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. But we also need to support them to identify the learning and change they went through. How can we make sure that all participants of youth project have meaningful learning experiences? This ID Talk focuses on different ways to approach learning in inclusive international youth projects. Guest speaker: Aleksa Savic, Grupa Izadji, Serbia
6 November (13h CET) > ID Talks Inclusive Programmes (for youth from the European Union) - To conclude the autumn 2024 series of ID Talks, let’s connect the dots and draw some conclusions. How inclusive are the Erasmus+ youth programme & the European Solidarity Corps? How well have we been doing since the launch of the ID Strategy and throughout the current cycle of the EU youth programmes? This ID Talk identifies the programmes' strengths and weaknesses, and shares important ID lessons learnt for the future European youth programmes beyond 2027.
It is based on the SALTO ID interim evaluation of the inclusiveness of the Erasmus+ youth programme and European Solidarity Corps and the contribution of the Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in enhancing inclusion in the youth field, in the period 2021-2023 (January 2024 Making EU youth programmes more inclusive - research report.pdf). Guest speaker: Gisele Evrard, Belgium
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Registration is free of charge. Registered participants will receive a link to the Zoom meeting a week before each session takes place.
14 February 2024 > ID Talks Understanding Interfaith Dialogue - Are you wondering what is interfaith dialogue and what we can learn from it? Why it is important and what is its value and relevance today? Let’s discover together the various concepts (such as inter-conviction dialogue, religion, faith, spirituality…) and differences between those, and have a closer look at the basic elements of interfaith dialogue, its potential and limits. Guest speaker: Meg Villanueva, Philippines
READ HERE: ID Talks Understanding Interfaith Dialogue article by Meg Villanueva + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Understanding Interfaith Dialogue video
13 March 2024 > ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Community - It is undoubtedly important to foster dialogue and exchange between people and communities living side by side. But what does it really entail and how do you conduct it? What makes “good” interfaith dialogue, what conditions enable it and who should be involved? Let’s analyse how complexity of diversity affects interfaith dialogue and community building, and discover the role of the city and the EU youth programmes can have in this process. Guest speaker: Fien Ingelbrecht, Belgium
READ HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Community article by Fien Ingelbrecht + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Community video
27 March 2024 > ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation - How can we create bridges between people? This session zooms in on reconciliation and the role of interfaith dialogue in this process. As religion and faith can be forces of cohesion instead of division in the society, let’s find out about possibilities to bring together different religious communities in post-conflict areas and the role of the youth work and youth programmes like Erasmus+ in reconciliation processes. Guest speaker: Nadežda Mojsilović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
READ HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation article by Nadezda Mojsilovic + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation video
10 April 2024 > ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Peace - Peace and conflict are very often addressed in non-formal learning and youth work. But what sets interreligious conflicts apart from other types of conflict? Let’s see what is the role of interfaith dialogue in conflict prevention, conflict transformation and peace building, and how youth work and youth programmes like Erasmus+ support the work on intercultural learning and peace building. Guest speaker: Mamoun Khreisat, Jordan
READ HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Peace article by Mamoun Khreisat + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Peace video
24 April 2024 > ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Identity - Ready for some introspection? In this session you’ll discover what is identity and the role religion and faith play in its creation. How do the religious identities of and individual and a community interrelate? Knowing that our religious and cultural narratives are as important to us and theirs to different other communities, is the clash of narratives inevitable? Guest speaker: Nyanchama Okemwa, Belgium
READ HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Identity article by Nyanchama Okemwa + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Interfaith Dialogue and Identity video
01 March 2023 > ID Talks: Climate-Change Anxiety: If climate change and environment make young people take to the streets, these global challenges obviously have an influence on their mental health and wellbeing? What kind of approaches help you to address their climate-change worries? How can you promote climate resilience, both at an individual and at a societal level? Come and discover what role youth work can have to tackle climate-change anxiety. Guest speaker: Anna Pribil, Austria
READ HERE: ID Talks Climate-Change Anxiety article by Anna Pribil + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Climate-Change Anxiety video
15 March 2023 > ID Talks Social-Media Addiction: You probably know (young) people who are constantly glued to their phone. Maybe that’s you? Let’s zoom in on social media addiction. How can you identify it in yourself and in others? Find out what are the main issues, causes and consequences. And how does it impact the mental health and wellbeing of the young people? Find out what practical tools and support youth work can offer. Guest speaker: Katja Mankinen, Sosped Fondation, Finland
READ HERE: ID Talks Social-Media Addiction article by Katja Mankinen + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Social-Media Addiction video
29 March 2023 > ID Talks Supporting Young People’s Wellbeing: You probably (hopefully) feel that youth work supports young people’s mental health and wellbeing. But what are young people’s needs, and how can you identify and support those needs better? What kind of (extra) support do young people with fewer opportunities need for their mental health? Get an insight in coping and resilience strategies and learn how to create a sense of belonging and safe spaces (among others) in international projects. Guest speaker: Ana Perović, Serbia
READ HERE: ID Talks Supporting Young People’s Wellbeing article by Ana Perovic + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Supporting Young People’s Wellbeing video
12 April 2023 > ID Talks Youth-Workers Wellbeing: In order to take care of someone else, you need to take care of yourself as well! But how do you take care of your self-care? What are the main wellbeing issues that youth workers are experiencing? How do you prevent and overcome (emotional) exhaustion and burnout? Get to know the competences you need to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing (as a youth worker) so that you can continue to attend to the needs of young people. Guest speaker: Natalja Gudakovska, Latvia
READ HERE: ID Talks Youth-Workers Wellbeing article by Natalja Gudakovska + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Youth-Workers Wellbeing video
7 September 2022 > ID Talks Everyday’ s Racism: For many young people, facing racism is a daily struggle, affecting their wellbeing and mental health. Explore with us how racism affects health, housing, education, employment, political representation and many other not so obvious aspects of daily life. What are the main challenges and why can youth work be the answer? Guest speaker: Mohammad Omar, Municipality of Sundsvall & Vision24, Sweden
READ HERE:ID Talks Everyday's Racism article by Mohammad Omar + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Everyday's Racism video
21 September 2022 > ID Talks Combating Racism: Several EU policies and national instruments are in place to combat racism. But do you know about them? Come and discover how institutional and policy tools to combat racism can help your work at grass-root level. And is there space for personal stories in combating racism at policy level? Guest speaker: Cătălina Olteanu, Romanian National Council for Combating Discrimination, Romania
READ HERE: ID Talks Combating Racism article by Cătălina Olteanu+ graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple & Spreaker
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Combating Racism video
5 October 2022 > ID Talks Invisible Racism: Racism is often hidden behind closed doors. Hate speech, fake news, lack of critical thinking contribute to new forms of racism. How can youth work address this invisible racism? Learn about good practices from the field and join this important and urgent mission. Guest speaker: Balint Jósa, United for intercultural action
READ HERE: ID Talks Invisible Racism article by Balint Jósa + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Speaker & Google
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Invisible Racism video
19 October 2022 > ID Talks Intersectionality & Racism: What if you don’t only have a minority ethnicity, but also a disability, a different religion or sexual orientation… Multiple discrimination makes it more challenging to defend your rights. We zoom in on the intersectionality between disability and race, and where you can find support and inspiration for activism. Ready to challenge discrimination and racism and its negative personal and professional impact? The talk will have international sign interpretation! Guest speaker: Lydia Gratis, Saved by the sign & EU Youth Deaf Association, Ireland
READ HERE: ID Talks Intersectionality & Racism article by Lydia Gratis + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Speaker & Google
WATCH HERE:ID Talks Intersectionality & Racism video
2 November 2022 > ID Talks Practising Anti-Racism: Find out how EU youth programmes provide opportunities and formats for anti-racism youth work. Come and learn from the existing experiences. We give you tips and tricks you can use in your youth work practice locally and internationally. Find out how you can make best use of youth work to promote and practise anti-racism. Guest speaker: Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad, Erasmus+: Youth in action National Agency, Iceland
READ HERE: ID Talks Practising Anti-Racism article by Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
LISTEN HERE: ID Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple, Speaker & Google
WATCH HERE:ID Talks Practising Anti-Racism video
ID Talks Race: The motto of our European Union is: ‘United in diversity’. Then why is the struggle for racial equality not over, and seems that it is just starting now in many places through important, big movements, like “Black Lives Matter”? What is racism and how can youth work address it? Guest speaker: Mohamed Barrie, City Pirates, Belgium
READ HERE: ID Talks Race Article: Race, a lie with material and mental cost by Mohamed Barrie + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Race Video
ID Talks LGBTQIA+: Social acceptance, and sometimes even the lives of LGBTQIA+ people are still jeopardised in many countries in the 21st century. How to get a more sensible perspective and fluid take on gender and sexual orientation? How to make these taboo topics talkable and could they be addressed in (international) youth projects? Guest speaker: Dani Prisacariu, Gender Talk, Romania
READ HERE: ID Talks LGBTQIA+ Article "ABC LGBTQIA+ & beyond" by Dani Prisacariu+ graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
ID Talks Class: Almost no one speaks about class anymore, and it seems, it is something left to history or marxist literature. Why so? What does class mean to you? How classes influence and shape young people’s lives? How do we create an offer that is attractive, but also accessible to all young people? Guest speaker: Falko Blumenthal, Union Secretary, Industrial Union IG Metall, Germany
READ HERE: ID Talks Class Article by Falko Blumenthal + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Class Video
ID Talks Gender: Gender as a multi-layer social construct, but in public discourse it is often diminished to the individuals’ physical traits. How do society's standards and expectations impact our self-image? Why are these standards gendered? How to address body awareness, body image and identity in youth work, especially in the age of digitalization and social media? Guest speaker: Tony Lashden, Belarus/Sweden
READ HERE: ID Talks Gender Article "How do society's standards and expectations impact our self-image? Why are these standards gendered?" by Tony Lashden + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Gender Video
ID Talks Diversity: We strive for equality in our societies, but do we appreciate the diversity that comes with it? Why should we talk about diversity? Why to embrace it? How to harness our unique perspectives, pool our collective intelligence to tackle the greatest challenges of our age? Why and how diversity strengthens any team or organisation, what personal applications does it have? What that means for young people and youth work? Guest speaker: Rahel Aschwanden, Instituto Now, Brazil
READ HERE: ID Talks Diversity Article "We strive for equality in our societies, but do we appreciate the diversity that comes with it?" by Rahel Aschwanden + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Diversity Video
ID Talks Faith: People all believe different things. How can we be amazed by these diverse looks on life, rather than letting faith divide people? Come and discover how youth work can address religious diversity and provide space for constructive, open and positive interaction between people with different beliefs and traditions? Guest speaker: Anna-Maria Daou, Community Engagament Coordinator & Researcher - Interreligious Dialogue, Lebanon
READ HERE:ID Talks Faith Article: People all believe different things by Anna-Maria Daou + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Faith Video
ID Talks Abilities: Approximately 15% of people have some form of disability. How many do you know? Come and discover personal stories and changing systems! Are you ready to learn from people with a disability who, while fighting for their rights, succeed in making a positive impact on the lives of everyone? Guest speaker: Önder İşlek, Assistant Professor at Aksaray Üniversitesi, Turkey
READ HERE: ID Talks Article: “My journey along with my disabilities” by Önder İşlek + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Abilities Video
ID Talks Migration: We all like to move around in this beautiful world. So what happens if we (or our parents) want to stay in another place? Learn how youth work can reach out and co-create programmes with and for young people of migrant background, and to build more open and diverse societies? Guest speaker: Dr. Lorenz Wiese, migration policy scholar, Germany
READ HERE: ID Talks Article: "We all like to move around in this beautiful world" by Lorenz Wiese + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Migration Video
ID Talks Intergenerational: Is ‘youth’ work passé? Young people are not an island. So how do we bridge age gaps in communities and organisations for the benefit of all. Discover how you can create projects that bring people of different ages - both participants, volunteers and staff - together and make it work? Guest speakers: Gea Sijpkes, Director of Humanitas Deventer & Yvonne Okkema, student, The Netherlands
READ HERE: ID Talks Article "Embracing diversity through intersectionality" by Georgiana Aldessa Lincan+ graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
WATCH HERE: ID Talks Intersectional Video
ID Talks Digital: How do you make online youth activities inclusive? Inclusion & Diversity on the focus of international projects in the age of Digitalization. Guest speaker: Michele Di Paola.
> Article: "How do you make online youth activities inclusive?" by Michele Di Paola + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
ID Talks Organisational: Ok, your projects are inclusive, but is your organisation too? How to build a culture of Inclusion & Diversity beyond mobility projects! Guest speaker: Rahel Aschwanden
> Article: "Making our organisations more inclusive" by Rahel Aschwanden + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
ID Talks Entrepreneurial: How can an 'entrepreneurial spirit' boost your Inclusion & Diversity work? Inspiring practices of social entrepreneurship within the Inclusion & Diversity field. Guest speaker: Areg Tadevosyan
> Article: "Inspiring practices of social entrepreneurship within the Inclusion & Diversity field" by Areg Tadevosyan + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
ID Talks Impact: Clever ways to measure the impact of your EU Youth project on inclusion & diversity. Measuring the impact of Inclusion & Diversity work within EU youth mobility projects and online activities. Guest speaker: Özgehan Şenyuva
> Article: "Clever ways to measure the impact of your EU Youth project on inclusion & diversity" by Özgehan Şenyuva + graphic recordings by Olalla Gonzalez
ID Talks Future: The future of Inclusion & Diversity: what kind of society do we want to build? Guest speaker: Erica Bol
> Article: "Futures Literacy" by Erica Bol + Graphic Recordings by Olalla Gonzalez