Previous SALTO Inclusion Work

The SALTO Inclusion RC exists since September 2000. Find an overview of the past activities and achievements. The SALTO Inclusion Resource Centre evolved from a half time training organiser to a well recognised player in European Inclusion youth work.

  • SALTO Inclusion Statistics - an overview of the numbers through the years (participants, publications, website visitors,...)
  • 2000 - the start up phase
  • 2001 - the beginning years - first 2 courses on EVS, Bridges for Training, European Inclusion Strategy, launch TOY
  • 2002 - starting to roll - inclusion & group initiatives, website expansion
  • 2003 - a target group approach - year of people with a disability, increased staff time, launch of the toolbox, inclusion methods
  • 2004 - year of inclusion through sport - request for more inclusion training, European working group in inclusion, 2 first SALTO Inclusion for ALL booklets
  • 2005 - more inclusion training - ID modules, TC Rainbow, Bridges for Recognition, Inclusion Quality Charter for TCs
  • 2006 - more inclusion booklets to disseminate the resources of the SALTO Inclusion training courses, training for projects with young (ex)offenders, Youth Inclusion Forum
  • 2007 - continue the inclusion of different target groups in the Youth in Action Programme: a geographical focus (rural youth and urban youth), plus training for the Inclusion Officers of the National Agencies
  • 2008 - more training courses, both for youth workers and National Agencies. Spreading the inclusion expertise via the Inclusion for ALL booklets
  • 2009 - SALTO Inclusion started its long term strategy on youth & un/employment, with a course on Unemployment and Youthpass for Inclusion groups
  • 2010 - continuing efforts to make the link between the Youth in Action programme, Un/Employment and Inclusion

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