TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Thomas Schallhart
1. to share and improve non-formal education methods, best practices and awareness-raising methods for making young people interested in remembrance, developing their skills in critical analysis of history and its connections to the present as well as enabling them to increase their active citizenship around remembrance
2. to train and share experiences among peace and remembrance organisations in using online approaches in addition to their offline peace and remembrance work
3. to train organisations focused on social media in working with remembrance
4. to create a toolkit on tools for remembrance for youth workers
5. to network between the organisations involved in this application
The group consisted of 30 participants from 8 countries (Russia, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Armenia, France, Israel, Moldova), some of them coming from conflict regions and all of them working on peace-building and remembrance as activists, educators and youth workers. My co-trainer was also from Germany.
Some examples:
- Newspaper theater: method from Theater of the Oppressed by August Boal for storytelling
- Silent Discussion
- Open Space
- Mouse-Head game to introduce discussion on multiperspectivity
The main outcome of the project is an online toolkit with best practices, non-formal education methods and guidelines for youth projects around remembering critical history such as wars, genocides, displacement, occupations, colonialism etc.
I was involved in creating the concept, the application, finding the location, the didactic methodology and implementation as well as editing the toolkit.