TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Federica Demicheli
1) To explore the concept of youth radicalisation, its forms and manifestations, and how youth work can have a role in its prevention,
2) To increase participants’ understanding regarding the role of youth work in preventing violent radicalisation and in supporting young people’s resilience and empowerment,
3) To create a space for sharing inspiring practices among participants and for identifying adaptations of existing practices,
4) To strengthen the links of youth work to related fields and sectors where cooperation is useful in order to achieve more on the theme of violent radicalisation,
Participants were coming from Programme Countries as well from South Mediterranean Region, SEE and EECA one.
The Seminar was providing spaces for better understand k-topics and definitions and to share practises as youth workers dealing with youth at risk of radicalisation.
We provided opportunities to share peer to peer methodologies and tools and reflect about the concept of transerability in their daily work.
The group was the centre of the learning and their experiences were the main material of sharing and growing.
The seminar was usefull for the participants as well for the team for highlights main questions about the topic of the role of radicalisation and the role that youth work could play.
The participants were more aware about the importance of intersectorial approach for a succesfull path of the youth.
Coordinator and trainer.