TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ozkan UZELLI
The main aim of the project is to assist the members of the human rights and youth minority NGOs, minority young people in Europe in gaining knowledge of basic mechanisms and experiences of minority rights promotion, establishing contacts and networks in the frame of YIA.
To discuss the current situation of the European countries and explore the possibilities to address the discrimination, influencing the young people
To celebrate living diversity in Europe and to promote the visibility of diversity in and through the campaign.
To create atmosphere of common understanding between people representing different cultures, working styles, etc
To sustain and widen existing networks of youth workers and youth leaders; to promote the understanding of and respect for cultural diversity and intercultural co-operation.
To reflect on the manifestations and relevance of issues such as identity, nationalism, Europe, discrimination, social exclusion and majority/minority relations and their relevance to youth projects.
Target group was youth leaders, youth workers and young representatives of NGO's. 25 participoants from different 13 EU and EE&Caucasus countries.
ice-braking games, team building, group dynamics, simulation exercises, learning by doing, small workgroups, interactive methods while presentations like collage method or theatral explanations.
At the end we managed to come up with 7 projects ideas and drafts on youth and human rights issues. 3 of them has allready applied by applicant organisations in the next deadline.
I coordinated the educational programme of the event with a collegue. Preperation, organising the draft program, revising it according to needs, running the workshops, evaluation and writing the related parts of the final report.