This is a reference for Bára Rodi

Youth Initiatives CZ-PL-SK I,II, III

The training activity took place
in Těšín, Czech Republic
organised by Czech National Agency Mládež
December 2012, May 2013, August 2013

Aims & objectives

*to explore and identify how YOUTH IN ACTION can be used as an opportunity for young people to get their ideas into reality
*to provide information about the funding procedure of Action 1.2
*to support and coach young people from project ideas generation, to networking up to finalising the project idea and submitting the application form
*to promote the Czech – Polish – Slovak partnership and exchange of experience within the youth field

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Bara Blahova - Czech (trainer profile:
Janusz Gorol - Poland
Petr Kantor - Regional consultant of Czech NA

Group was composed of Czech, Polish and Slovak young people with interest do develop new projects within the Youth In Action Program.

Training methods used & main activities

Methodology: non-formal education. Interactive and experiential training course that aims to develop participants´ project development skills.

We see the Salesian region as a great melting pot of Czech – Polish – Slovak culture, so we support the possibility of trans-border cooperation among young people, their organisations and projects.

Outcomes of the activity

The aim of our training course was to support young people to develop their project ideas within the framework of the Youth in Action Program, specifically targeting Action 1.2 – Youth Initiatives. Young people also learned the basics of project management and got information of other training and funding possibilities of the Youth in Action Program.

The training was evaluated as a big success both from the participants and the team, but also by the Czech National Agency who decided to repeat the same concept 3 times until now.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Shared responsibility of all the activities, with an emphasis on the theoretical part based on inputs on project management and application process.

Providing coaching to young people to support them in developing projects.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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