This is a reference for Juan Cruz

Youth Go Local (Youth Exchange)

The training activity took place
in Srima, Croatia
organised by Udruga Argonauta

Aims & objectives

The main goal of this project has been to bring 36 young people and 6 group leaders from 6 different countries and encourage them to research and create youth initiatives in their local communities. The participants learned how to search for and locate needs through exploring the local community. The intention was to sensitize them to the current state of their communities and to boost their civic engagement. Thus fostering social engagement and active participation of the young people involved in this project.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

32 youngsters and 6 group leaders from Croatia, Macedonia, Türkiye, Spain, Romania and Portugal took part in this youth exchange.

Training methods used & main activities

The project was composed of different non-formal education workshops that allowed participants to enrich their knowledge, learn about how to identify local community needs, write project proposals on those topics and their impact on people.
Preparatory set of activities before the implementation: researching local community needs and also successful project initiatives already carried out in their local communities.
During the implementation: non-formal workshops like ice-breaking games, teambuilding dynamics, debates, role-play, theatre, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

During the exchange, 7 presentations were designed with initiatives that the participants built during the exchange. An event took place in the form of a presentation to local authorities and entities with experience in project development for local initiatives. Representatives from local NGOs and local people were invited and attended this event. The participants of the exchange, separated in groups, presented their project proposals to them. Some activities were implemented after the youth exchange on a local level in each country. Each partner did a small scale presentation organized by the participants for at least 10 other young people, broadening the impact of the project on the local level of the involved countries. Online events were also organized for the participants of the exchange: one online preparation meeting before the implementation, and another one after the implementation for evaluation.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Member of the organizers team: designing and implementing the program of activities.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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