TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Bruno Pizzini
The project aims to join young youth leaders and youth workers in for reflection about the different cultural and social aspects in Europe.
Intolerance is a symptom of the cultural issues in Europe and discrimination is the reflex of the non-acceptance of diversity.
With the diversity of countries involved in the project and the practice educational activities we will provide participants with many opportunities to consider and discuss concepts of EU Citizenship and EU awareness. This actions are not only inherent in the thematic of the project but, in a transversal and global way, it help young people to build themselves in a peaceful and open minded conscience, as well we intend to make them feel part of the democratic processes inherent to Europe and local community. This activity will promote their active citizenship as the participants will regard the democratic processes as an importante part of their personal rights.
The Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law) sensitize and awareness are also one of the project objectives as it comes out with dramatical importante in the future perspectives when coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.
in this project will participate 30 young youth leader and youth workers coming from disadvantage social, economical or/and problematic geographical areas and very rural areas. It helps them to experience and understand that, even if they suffer discrimination and have less opportunities, there is a place where they can debate and expose their ideas in a free and honest way.
The need of a future with opportunities, information about their personal and human rights will empowering the young people that way.
During the project we used the structural maieutic approach, that is a process of voluntary education: the individual, impulsed by the educator, discovers his own potentialities and after, he will be able to mature them in a communicative situation witch valorizes the direct relations inside the group, as this is a process of leaning which promotes self awareness in youth people.
Non-formal learning is a vital and fundamental educational methodology that can facilitate skills acquisition of young people with fewer opportunities. These skills include social and civic competencies, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression, etc.
Social and civic competence:
To become as active as possible (attitude);
To learn ice – breakers from each other.
To get to know each other;
To explore different inter-cultural approaches;
To be able to set up expectations, fears and personal learning needs regarding to the topic of the TC;
To get to know more from each other;
To be able to make a common agreement for living together during this week.
To explore personal feelings, emotions which are raised up by discrimination.
To get to know more about represented organizations,
To explore cultural challenges they face within their everyday life and work.
To get to know more about successful inter-cultural youth projects of the local community;
Cultural awareness and expression:
To explore cultural, democratic and European values;
To get to know more about EU and local legislation;
To be able to adapt their identity to their personal and human rights.
To get to know more about each others and each others’ cultural background.
To identify personal cultural identity.
To be able to accept that everyone is unique and culturally different though sharing the same rights.
To get to know different cultural aspects of the represented countries and getting the deeper sights of cultures through its representatives’ identities.
To get to know more about the local culture and about the cultural identities of people who are living here.
To be able to present outcomes of inter-cultural learning experiences;
To be able to recognise the inter-cultural learning processes and its inter-cultural learning outcomes.
Learning to learn:
To be able to assess own learning processes and learning outcomes;
To be able to recognise the learning process within non – formal education;
To be aware of the process of competence development through learning experiences.
To get to know the theory of competence.
To be able to assess the achievements of personal learning needs;
To be able to make self – assessment regarding to learning outcomes;
To be able to be in a dialogue space and give and get feedback in related to learning process and learning outcomes.
To be able to overcome of the learning obstacles.
To be able to organise their own learning.
To be able to make self – assessment;
To be able to make a link between learning outcomes and competence development;
To be able to recognize own competence development.
Sense of initiatives and entrepreneurship:
To be able to put the cultural, democratic and European learning into practice.
To be able to use their personal and human rights and legislation in practice, making use of it to create better life perspectives.
To be able to get active in their communities and share the learning with others.
To gain knowledge on the steps of the different phases of a youth exchange.
To gain knowledge on the objectives, priorities, expected outcomes and the structure of Erasmus + programme.
To recognise what type of support Erasmus + programme can give to youth work activities.
To be able to set up a project idea based on the needs of target groups;
To be able to present project proposals;
To be able to give and get feedback regarding to invented projects.
Full time trainer worked on the analysis of Expectation, motivation and Fears, session on the participatory method in the structural dialogue, Youthpass mandala, Iceberg Cultural theory and Eruopean Parlament Model.