TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Diana-Adela Ionita
YOUth can do it! is an E+ TC. The general aim of this youth mobility is to provide space for youth workers, youth leaders to understand better the background and causes of long term unemployment of young people exploring the youth work activities by exploring and inventing new tools on positive thinking, empowering job seekers and fighting against social exclusion in local and transnational level.
The main objectives of the project are: to train the youth leaders and youth workers as resource persons in developing the competencies to increase the youth employment, to create partnership and to develop resources in order to facilitate the young integration on the labour market, to promote intra and inter-sectorial cooperation as way to increase youth employment, promoting cultural diversity in a European context.
The group included 44 youth leaders and youth workers from 10 partner organisations and 9 countries in which the rate of youth unemployment is high and very high, namely: Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine,Greece, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Spain and Portugal.
Non-formal methods such as (but not only): ice-breakers & energisers, Face-2-Facebook, team-building and personal development activities, fish-bowl, world-cafe, Offline Twitter, Casino, field visit;
Participant youth workers gained soft and hard skills, competences and relevant experience, about how to facilitate the integration of the young people into the labor market.