TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Lilia Khazri
It is an Erasmus plus Youth Capacity Building project
working across multiple Continents and Countries. the
partners are: Tunisia Germany Egypt Italy Jordan Bulgaria The aim is to develop non-formal education (nfe) tools Based on arts to improve the entrepreneurial Culture and mindset of Youth (targeting the marginalised) there by achieving
a tangible long-lasting impact on the issue of Youth unemployment in each of the partner Countries. Youngpreneurship deploys a process of Creation of capacities through knowledge-sharing among NGO’s from different regions. Exploring the relationship between arts, non-formal education and Business with the ultimate purpose of empowering partners and external organizations through innovative methods. ultimate beneficiaries are Youth.
The project targets young people aged 18-30 coming from the 6 partnering countries :
- Tunisia
- Jordan
- Italy
- Germany
- Bulgaria
- Egypt
- NFE- Non Formal Education
- Peer-To-Peer Learning
- SWOT Analysis, Business Plan & Entrepreneurial mindset aspects
- Project pitching
The Youth Exchange came as the third phase of "YoungPreneurship" project phases was based on a set of sessions that were held on-time and covered different thematics that encompassed: Art, entrepreneurship, business idea, SWOT analysis, marketing strategy and a plethora of other elements, which are necessary for youth workers, students, trainers and young professionals to kick off their
career in the world of business with a more constructed and innovative entrepreneurial
- Coordinated the communication between the partners
- Facilitated the logistics relevant to participants' arrival, stay & departure
- Prepared the program agenda of day-to-day sessions , energizers & ice-breaking activities
- Handled the social media promotion of the project and the reporting delievery