TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Hatem Shatnawi
We focus our attention on the improvement of the status of women in the
Tunisian, Jordanian and German society. Especially in the Arab world women
often still don’t know their rights and how to defend them. As a Group of 25
interested people (students, trainers, multipliers and volunteers), you get the
chance to exchange your views and experiences with participants from Jordan,
Tunisia and Germany. We want to promote and enhance women's chances in
the economic, social and political field, to make women’s voices heard and
increase their leadership role in community.
Group of 25 interested people (students, trainers, multipliers and volunteers), from Jordan,
Tunisia and Germany.
Cultural Diversity and Cultural Identity
small group work, role plays, simulation games, energizers, project development in small international groups.
Short movies, and women empowerment cards.
build new network and new ideas.
one of the main trainers for 10 days .
* Implement the assigned sessions , ice breaking and energizers.
* Arrange the needed preparations for all the sessions.
* Daily debrief and introduction.
* Reflecting groups with participants.