TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Javier Milán López
- Equip participants with knowledge and skills on how to engage marginalized communities
- Improve personal effectiveness and build participants capacity building skills as educators
- Provide some training tools and methods to fight against racism and ethnic discrimination (online and offline)
The target group was:
20 educators, social workers and youth workers coming from 4 different countries (UK, Sweden, Italy and Spain)
We reflect on hate speech online through several activities where participants put themselves in the shoes of "bullers" and discussed about hate expressions on internet. They also got to know initiatives to fight against it offline and online. They finally discussed about competences that they need to have in order to fight against racism and cultural/ethnic discrimination effectively.
- Increased capacity of participants to apply non-formal education training methods and tools to fight against racism and ethnic/cultural discrimination
- Equipped participants with educational tools to apply at local level
- Participants developed their skills to implement non-formal education activities addressing racism and cultural/ethnic discrimination, and fight against it
I was part of the team of trainers. I led some sessions, especially the ones concerning online hate speech and educators' competences to work to fight against racism and ethnic/cultural discrimination in multicultural environments.