TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Annamaria Simeone
The objectives for this training course are:
- to establish a general framework on the process of radicalisation and polarisation;
- to provide participants with concepts and theoretical background about vulnerability and its role
within the process of radicalisation and polarisation;
- to provide participants with a deeper understanding of vulnerability on a personal and interpersonal
- to explore the potential of vulnerability as an approach for empowering young people in their
- to share tools and good practices of engaging with vulnerable groups in an international context;
- to visit a local initiative working on prevention of radicalisation in Molenbeek, Belgium.
Dani Korai - Netherlands;
Aly Sassi - Belgium;
Olympia Datsi - Greece.
The methodology was participant-centered, based on non-formal education, experiential learning and intercultural learning; working methods were diverse and interactive in order to ensure a balance between sharing, theory, practice and visits. The main activities were: working groups, guided self-reflection, workshops and a local visit. Provision of information and referent documents were used in order to meet participants learning preferences and the training learning objectives.
This activities was organised in the frame of ToT 2017/2018 as Training Practice Project.