TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Zsiday Kriszta
Our mission was to enable people who work with people to integrate new media into their work. In this training we focused on less opportunities target groups (sensory disabilities, youth in poverty, rural youth, orphans, children of immigrants): all educational activities during the training was designed with such target groups in mind. The aims of the training were:
1) To learn new media by creating media
2) To discover what is your personal visual culture
3) To create a mental & physical state that supports your learning style
4) To equip youth workers with basic audiovisual competences
5) To draft and add recommendations to the New Media Literacy Charter for Youth
6) To develop the online and physical marketing skills of participants
7) To transform participants’ ideas into a product, presentable at the end of the Training Course
There were a group of trainers from Greece, Slovakia and Hungary. The 25 participants came from 5 countries - Italy, Spain, Hungary, Greece and Slovakia. Among them representatives of minority groups and immigrants were present.
We used non-formal educational methods, including pre and post training activities through online sessions and organising flash mobs on local level. Media consuming and productions were used in various ways providing active learning and reflection periods. Simulation, debates, intercultural activities and communication exercises were used greatly.
The participants developed technical skills on audio-visual media consuming and making. The participant trainers developed competences on designing educational activities with media for disadvantaged youth groups, problem solving, cooperation, inclusion and intercultural issues.
I was the head trainer of the training designing the structure, flow and activities of it. I ran several sessions on visual learning, communication skills, coaching, conflict resolution or story telling.