TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Iyad Aljaber
The idea of this project came from the organizers experience and observation of the realities in the EUROMED region. The MEDA partners are going through important changes of the societies,in many of those countries the transition period has started recently, and the support in the development of the civic society is crucial. Countries of the European partners as well are to different extend going through the process of changes – starting through the Spanish revolution (15M) through the recent manifestation in many countries against signatures of ACTA (the antypiracy
Within all those changes we have observed one particular phenomena, which is the participation
online, the raising hate speech within this form of participation. We can easily see the importance of the online participation, how the revolutions are started and coordinated in the online form, how the people are able to get to all information, how the awareness can be raised on important topic in the very fast way. Unfortunately many times we have observed how this online participation is converting into the expression of hate, aggression, intolerance, and actually leading to conflicts.
We see both types of participation – online and offline complementary, and we want to offer the
training that refers to both of them, tackling as well the hate speech and the need of nonviolent
communication online.
To empower young people from the Euro-Med region to be active in their societies through the personal development training.
To develop participants´knowledge skills and attitudes that will help them in their work for development of the civic society
To challenge participants in order to enable them personal development To create a space for sharing and creating tools of participation on
local level
To explore connections between p a r t i c i p a t i o n , s o c i a l entrepreneurship and civil society
To explore how to use dialogue as a tool in the local work
Profile of participants:
The training aims to reach participants who fulfill
the following criteria:
Young activists, leaders, social and youth workers active on the local level in their communities
Willing to contribute to the development of
their local communities
Have already certain experience to share
Between 18 and 30 years old
Able to s peak English
Able to participate in the whole duration of the
Partners Organisations:
Cazalla Intercultural Spain 2
The Organization of Youth and Sports Entertainment Tunis 2
Juzoor – Jerusalem Youth Parliament Palestinian Territory Occupied 2
Loesje Egypt Egypt 2
Institute for Leadership Excellence Jordan 2
Youth center "Baze" Latvia 2
Un Passeport Pour la Vie Belgium 2
Agency for the promotion of youth Italy 2
The Moroccan Youth Forum Morocco 2
Total no. of participants: 20
Simulation game
Hate speech online drama workshop
On-line participation ladder
Development of competences required for participation
Development of tools
e-Document (still under preparation) showing the outcome of the TC.