This is a reference for Annamaria Simeone

United Youth against Violent Extremism in Europe

The training activity took place
in EYCB- Budapest (Hungaria)
organised by HREYN - Human Rights Education Youth Network
23-29 April 2017 and 10th -15th September 2017
Reference person

Vojislava Tomic

(Educational Advisor)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The aim of this special project is to provide to youth trainers', youth activists' and young people at risk of social exclusion competences to act against violent extremism and hate speech in Europe. The project includes two study session and an intermediate phase, the first study session had the following objectives:
● Explore key concepts and deepen participants’ understanding of hate and violent extremism;
● Enable participants to share information and their own experiences on their local contexts and the needs of young people they work with, focusing on young people at risk of social exclusion;
● Provide a space for reflection on the roles of participants as youth workers, trainers and activists and enhance their competences to act against hate and violent extremism;
● Critically analyse ongoing challenges and practices in addressing hate and violent extremism;
● To mainstream the approaches and principles of the No Hate Speech Movement of the Council of Europe and examine tools and educational resources that can be used for action in local communities as well as at an international level;
● Provide a framework and support to plan and develop a common action as well as local activities engaging young people at risk of social exclusion during the intermediate phase of the project.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Emilia Astore, Vojislava Tomic, Annamaria Simeone, Nika Baksholiani, Jonathan Karstadt,

Training methods used & main activities

1st Study Session: April 24-28 2017. The first Study Session will be open to youth trainers/activists already
engaged and experienced in countering hate speech within the No Hate Speech Movement and through
the partner organizations.
Intermediate phase: April-September 2017. Participants will implement a joint action day/campaign
defined during the first Study Session.
2nd Study Session: September 11-15 2017. The second Study Session will be open to youth
trainers/activists and young people engaged during the intermediate phase, with priority to young people
belonging to vulnerable groups and/or at risk of social exclusion.
The educational approaches will follow the principles of non-formal education, mainly through experiential
learning where participants learn from one another and explore the themes through inputs and
discussions, simulation activities and work in smaller working groups. The experience of participants is the
starting point, but methods will vary in the different phases and will be adapted the needs of the selected
groups of participants.

Outcomes of the activity

The main outcomes of the session are the learning and value of participants’ competences, reinforcement of the partnership between the three organisers, the creation of a joint group of activists and youth workers implementing local and common actions and the planning of the intermediate phase of the project taking place in May-September 2017. 5 international project ideas;
deeper understanding and better knowledge of the concepts of violent extremism, radicalism and hate-speech as well as their interrelations;
raised awareness and better understanding on psychological mechanisms underlying violent extremism and radicalism;
improved skills to plan and implement international youth educational activities and projects;
increased motivation and commitment to work on combating violent extremism and hate speech with young people at local and at international level;
critical reflection and analysis of 9 implemented international and local practices related to combating hate-speech and violent extremism through human rights education;
involvement of participants and active contribution to No Hate Movement Action Days (such as 22 July);
knowledge about supporting Council of Europe Youth Department structures and resources (such as publications, educational activities, funding opportunities such as EYF and National Training courses on HRE);

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team


I worked on this training for 15 days as a full time trainer.

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