TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Laimonas Ragauskas
UNIQUE R.I.D.E. 2011 was organised already for the 3rd time since 2009. It is has the following educational objectives:
1. To provide opportunities for participants to increase awareness of their own identity as trainers: to reconnect with their values, strengths and passion for their work
2. To support understanding, and development, of emotional competence in the training context
3. To raise awareness and develop ways of ensuring trainers’ well-being
4. To provide space for reviewing one’s own professional vision and setting pathways for self-development.
This event is dedicated to experienced trainers from the youth field, who don't need typical training for trainers, but still want to work on personal and professional development. This time trainers from 13 countries took part in UNIQUE R.I.D.E.
The team of trainers consists of 4 people - experienced trainers from the youth field from Lithuania, Serbia and France.
The methodology of UNIQUE R.I.D.E. is based on several key principles and approaches:
The learning process is based on shared responsibility between participants and facilitators.
Programme is based on providing choices for personal learning pathways.
The content of the programme is filled by participants and embraced by the supportive environment and structure provided by trainers.
- We provide diverse methods for analysing personal dilemmas, cases from training experiences, core strengths and qualities: intervision, psycho drama, future visioning, coaching, inner team, etc.
- At the beginning of the course we aim at creating a community of learners, who would feel comfortable with each other for the sake of sharing and learning. Various combinations of outdoor education methods is used.
- We offer various opportunities for the daily reflections to address different learning styles and preferences
- Programme brings together insights from psychology, psychotherapy, coaching, supervision and also from training experiences.
- The programme is run in a carefully planned stress-free time frame.
The report of the training is created each time and sent to participants and sending NA's.
The outcomes are very diverse for each participants. Here you can read, what participants tell about this event:
"I discovered my strengths, became aware of my pitfalls…"
"…different levels: knowledge-information, emotions, insights, passions, and just positive emotions and joy of being together... And I feel inspired =)"
"Discoveries about the options and possibilities I have for my future – I saw the wider perspective: getting to know trainers, ideas for cooperation"
I was preparing, running, evaluating and co-creating the report of the training. So basically involved in all stages together with my colleagues.