This is a reference for Nerijus Kriauciunas

TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges

The training activity took place
in Mollina, Málaga, Spain
organised by Erasmus+ National Agency in Spain
9-15 April 2018

Aims & objectives

A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content there are tools. This training course helps to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and how to facilitate these tools during a youth exchange.
The overall aim of TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges - is for youth leaders and youth workers to explore, share and adapt tools that can be used to improve their Youth Exchanges.

Further TYE is designed according to the following objectives:
> To increase awareness of group processes and tools that facilitates group development during Youth Exchanges.
> To explore tools that focus on learning processes and intercultural learning.
> To explore different tools that motivate young people to be actively involved in Youth
Exchange activities.
> To develop competences in designing and facilitating educational workshops for youth
> To gain understanding and experience of how to develop effective tools for dissemination.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This training course brought together 25 participants from 13 countries.

2/3 of participants did not have prior experience of organising youth exchanges. This number is rather high for TYE course, where it is expected to have more experienced participants. Consequently, at least 2 participants mentioned in their comments that they would have appreciated some input on how to fill in the Application form for youth exchanges.

Training methods used & main activities

The TYE course programme is built on the past experiences of participants and offers variety of workshops, info-sessions, activities to improve youth exchange practices of using tools and methods. Attached is the provisional programme of the course.

Outcomes of the activity

The impact of the course on learning of participants can be observed in all areas of competences. When evaluating their knowledge and abilities at the end of the course, most of participants (90% and above) gave high score (marked between 4 and 6 in the scale between 1 and 6).

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team


I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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