This is a reference for Esther Vallado

Transition Communities: alternatives for a sustainable city life

The training activity took place
in Valeri, Asturias, Spain
organised by Biodiversa
27 May - 2 June 2013

Aims & objectives

Empowering 34 young leaders from 9 countries, so that they learn how to reduce their environmental impact and at the same time get inspired to start resilient communities and promote local transition projects towards a sustainable civilization.
The training addressed the needs of participants communities to be more sustainable and resilient, as an adaptation to the multiple crisis that they are experiencing.
The training fitted the goal of the participating organisations, as it gave their participants the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to turn their communities into more sustainable and resilient ones.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Young people actively involved in their organisations. Participating countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Spain and Ukraine.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal education methods, combining peer to peer education with counselling and facilitation by experienced trainers, so that new knowledge, skills and attitudes are generated through collective intelligence. E.g.: group building dynamics, workshops, experience sharing, role-plays, study visits, team-work, personal reflections...

Outcomes of the activity

Two of the participants presented to Youth in Action the Youth Initiative projects that they created during the training course.
Participants significantly increased their knowledge about transition communities.
We compared participants awareness and motivation on the first and last days of the training course, confirming a very significant improvement in all matters addressed.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the main trainer, as well as the project developer and coordinator.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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