TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Chiurcciu Vitali
Aim: to strengthen the co-operation and partnership between non-governmental and governmental key actors in the development of youth policy; to contribute to development of youth policy and youth work in the Russian Federation according to principles of pluralist democracy, human rights and participation of young people.
• to reflect on the current situation and recent developments in youth policy in the Russian Federation, and what is required of youth policy;
• to raise participants’ awareness about the role and importance of youth work and its links with youth policy;
• to clarify roles of NGOs and governmental sector in relation to youth work and youth policy development and implementation;
• to create a space for open dialogue and promote mutual understanding and respect between actors within NGO and governmental sectors and encourage co-operation;
• to help participants to develop skills to implement core competences in relation to youth work and youth policy in their realities;
• to reflect upon and promote the Council of Europe’s youth work values, principles and concepts, with a focus on dialogue and partnership between government/state/local authorities and NGOs, youth participation, non-formal education, tolerance, intercultural dialogue.
Specialists on Youth Work of the State Authorities alongside with Representatives of the Youth Non-Governmental Organizations from the Russian Federation.
During the training seminar team of trainers used variety of methods of non-formal education: personal tasks, group working, plenary discussions, exercises/games from manual COMPASS.
The training aims at training youth workers and civil servants active in youth work and youth policy implementation in the areas of non-formal education and youth policy cooperation.
I was involved in all stages of preparation, carry out and evaluation of this activity.