This is a reference for Chiurcciu Vitali

Training Seminar for Specialists on Youth Work of the State Authorities and Representatives of the Youth Non-Governmental Organisations from the Russian Federation (50/50 training)

The training activity took place
in Strasbourg & France
organised by Youth Department of the Council of Europe
13-19 May 2013
Reference person

Ljubov Lissina

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Aims & objectives

Aim: to strengthen the co-operation and partnership between non-governmental and governmental key actors in the development of youth policy; to contribute to development of youth policy and youth work in the Russian Federation according to principles of pluralist democracy, human rights and participation of young people.
• to reflect on the current situation and recent developments in youth policy in the Russian Federation, and what is required of youth policy;
• to raise participants’ awareness about the role and importance of youth work and its links with youth policy;
• to clarify roles of NGOs and governmental sector in relation to youth work and youth policy development and implementation;
• to create a space for open dialogue and promote mutual understanding and respect between actors within NGO and governmental sectors and encourage co-operation;
• to help participants to develop skills to implement core competences in relation to youth work and youth policy in their realities;
• to reflect upon and promote the Council of Europe’s youth work values, principles and concepts, with a focus on dialogue and partnership between government/state/local authorities and NGOs, youth participation, non-formal education, tolerance, intercultural dialogue.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Specialists on Youth Work of the State Authorities alongside with Representatives of the Youth Non-Governmental Organizations from the Russian Federation.

Training methods used & main activities

During the training seminar team of trainers used variety of methods of non-formal education: personal tasks, group working, plenary discussions, exercises/games from manual COMPASS.

Outcomes of the activity

The training aims at training youth workers and civil servants active in youth work and youth policy implementation in the areas of non-formal education and youth policy cooperation.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was involved in all stages of preparation, carry out and evaluation of this activity.

I worked on this training for 5 days days as a full time trainer.

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