TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Jovan Stalevski
The Macedonia Youth Employability Skills Curriculum has been developed to provide youth with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary to become healthy, productive workers and participants in civic and community affairs.
This training course objectives were to give participants a skills and knowledge how to transfer the contained topics to their future training activities in particular NGO's in Gostivar, Prilep and Stip.
They gained knowledge, skills and methods about delivering the following topics:
- Personal Development
- Appropriate Workplace Behaviors
- Communication Skills
- Teamwork and Leadership
- Job Seeking Skills
- Decent Work-Decent Life
- Financial Fitness
Within the YES Program (organizers), this workforce readiness curriculum serves as a foundation for youth participating in programs offered by YES in selected labor market areas across the country.
The selected target group was young people involved in work with youth at NGO’s in Prilep, Gostivar and Stip. The selection process was implemented by USAID Macedonia project, YES Network.
Participants came from different regions of Macedonia and the group was multicultural: Macedonians, Albanians and Roma.
The team was consisted with two trainers:
Jovan Stalevski and Astrit Redzepi. Trainers team reported and communicated with the coordinator and contractor from the project Marija Ignatova Gjoseva.
The Work Readiness course, as a tool for non-formal learning, has been designed in a way that is participatory, active and hands-on so that youth participants are actively engaged in the learning process, have the opportunity to practice and enhance new skills, and gain the self confidence necessary to find and keep work.
I used methods as: Pair share and pair work, Small and large group discussion, Small group work, Individual work, Role plays, Inner/Outer Circle, Case studies/ scenarios, Games, Brainstorming Presentation, Panel discussion, Reflection activities - individual, guided, journal writing, Review activities
Every participant who completes the course will have completed an individual Career Development Plan and be ready to take the next steps in a chosen career pathway
Outcomes of the training:
Participants will be familiar with the opportunities available to them through the YES Network Program; understand the topics, structure and requirements of the Work Readiness course; and know the expectations for participation in the program.
They experienced and learned about main modules covered by this training:
- Personal Development
- Appropriate Workplace Behaviors
- Communication Skills
- Teamwork and Leadership
- Job Seeking Skills
- Decent Work-Decent Life
- Financial Fitness
Also they gained skills, tools, techniques and experiences how to transfer the desired outcomes and skills to future participants from municipalities in Prilep, Gostivar and Stip.
This training was successful because the trained participants started to develop and organize projects to realize WRC in their municipalities and youth groups.
• Implementing a “Work Readiness Skills workshop”
for future facilitator from NGO and ESA centers from Prilep, Stip and Gostivar
• Prepare and deliver the training modules to the needs of participants
• Prepare, evaluate and report the training outcome to the Senior Techical Specialist for Public - Private Dialogue and Senior Labor Market Specialist