TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Nuno Da Silva
The main aims of this training course were:
• To broaden understanding of the role of ‘ training’ and ‘trainers’ in Global Education
• To enable participants – within the framework of their Youth Organisations and/or its member associations – to competently prepare, run and evaluate non-formal global education training activities
• To provide basic insight into concept of training and forms of global education activities according to principles of non-formal education;
• To support participants in assessing their own training needs and in learning from their own experiences;
• To provide space for the development of essential skills for the trainer in non-formal education in youth groups (e.g. team work, evaluation, programme design, feedback, peer education);
• To increase participants' knowledge and awareness about values involved in non-formal global education youth activities;
• To raise participants' awareness in relation to principles related to ethics and values in their training activities;
• To develop new methods and adapt existing ones to the global education dimension which will be used by participants and other trainers of our organizations in future citizenship/global education activities;
• To identify partners and projects to apply to the youth in action programme with “global citizenship” educational activities.
• Youth leaders, youth workers (members of INGYOs or their member organizations) who are, or will be, responsible for one or several training activities within their organisation during the years 2008 or 2009. There were 39 participants from 30 different countries from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The team was composed by myself as course director and trainer, Fernando Traversa from Uruguay as trainer, Xavier Báro from Catalonia as trainer, Nicole Attro Kossia from Ivory Coast as trainer and Bruno António from Portugal and Marta Cubajavaite from Lithuania as logistics team.
The course gave participants the opportunity to experience, and reflect upon, being both a trainee and a trainer. The entire course was designed as a mutual learning situation, where participants could compare their approaches and experiences to training in youth work. Towards the end of the course, groups of participants, with the assistance of the course team, prepared, ran and evaluated a training workshop. A diversity of non formal education working methods were used.
Working Methods:
Inputs from the trainers
Simulations (experiential learning) and role plays
Intercultural learning as a process
Variety of visuals for theoretical input
Workshops prepared and run with participants
Brainstorming, discussions and parallel thinking systems both in small groups and in plenary
Reflection Groups
Enlarged round tables with young people from other continents present in the University of Youth and Development
Participants enlarged their understanding of Global Education, sharing perspectives from different contexts and improved their competences as trainers to deliver global educational activities within their work.
I was the project designer and coordinator and course director, as well as trainer.