This is a reference for ilias karachalios


The training activity took place
in Sofia, Bulgaria
organised by Right Sway
5-11 February 2018
Reference person

Veronika Samokovliyski

(Organiser, co-trainer)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

This training course was designed to ensure that the participants obtain mix of skill sets and tools to create an environment that leads to success, it provide a
comprehensive practice of the project management process — from initiating to closing— and gain the skills to implement project management best practices within their organization.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The course was designed for youth workers and youth leaders, who wanted to upgrade their knowledge and skills and who believe in the power of education as a sustainable and effective tool for making changes in the world.
30 participants attended from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, North Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Jordan, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Training methods used & main activities

The training course was practice-based learning and was focused on soft skills improvement and personal development. We used non formal education methods, like energisers, ice breakers, team building activities, theatrical play etc.
An integral part of the project was the sustainable development and management.
One of the activity we did was the activity call "islands", were participants divided in groups they have to build their island from the beginning as the first people arrived there. They had to use the natural resources available (chosen by luck) and use them in order to sustainably develop their civilisation there. During the activity they get different tasks or resources that lead them to discuss their strategy.

Outcomes of the activity

The course established a safe learning environment, where participants were able to take risks, pushed out of their comfort zones and provided each other with constructive feedback.

The participants were thrilled, happy, more motivated and self confident by the end of the project.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was responsible for the environmental part of the project and together with Veronika and Polina, we implement all of the activities of the project, as long as we assist participants needs and logistics.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Ilias Karachalios is knowledgeable and excellent trainer. His dynamic and friendly approach to teaching motivates and engages the audience. He has been successful in imparting the desired aptitude to the participants. I’d highly recommend him to anyone looking for an impactful training.

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