TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Panayiotis Theodorou
Aim: Provide basic knowledge for youth workers to work with cultural differences focusing on cultural diversity in daily life.
Topics: Culture, Identity and Culture, Prejudice, Stereotypes and Discrimination, Possible ways for developing understanding and accepting differences.
24 youth workers and leaders coming from Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Finland, Slovenia, France, Estonia, UK, Romania, Poland, Turkey, Portugal.
Team of Trainers
Panayiotis Theodorou - Cyprus
Salvi Greco - Italy
Milena Lazic – Serbia/Croatia
The 5th edition of DayCul had a different design than previous editions regarding the methodology. Based as always on experiential learning, non formal education/learning, this edition of the training course had a relevant characterization with self-directed-learning. This direction was taken to enable participants to work on the specific topic of the training from a very personal perspective, proposing and choosing elements of Culture in daily life on which to work and how to do it. Before opening “the space” for self-directed-learning 2 full days were dedicated to a specific group-building and personal development activities. Because of this approach a proper amount of time was used for reflection, assessment, evaluation, at the personal level, in pairs, in small groups.
During 6 training days participants have:
- gained strong awareness about the personal learning process, thanks to self-directed learning approach and the personal reflection tools which were used during the training;
- created 5 media projects focused on various aspects of Culture such as: Relationships, Identity, Music, Literature and Stereotypes which were exhibited to the local community of Delnice, Croatia on 02nd of July, 2014;
- all media projects can stand also as tools/methods which can be used in training sessions or for public presentations in informal places like bars, streets, open spaces;
- understand the multiple forms of culture and intercultural dialogue through exploration of cultural diversity from a perspective of everyday life;
- stimulate and challenge youth workers to use very different cultural environment as a tool to discover identity;
- discover and acknowledge the importance that influence of culture has on person’s perception of reality, everyday behaviour and identity;
- discuss common European values;
- take initiative to create activities and projects on intercultural learning for the local contexts and realities;
- create an interactive learning and reflection group of youth workers that will afterwards lay the foundations for future international cooperation in Youth in Action projects.
I had a role of a trainer, meaning that I was responsible for design, implementation and evaluation of the training program. The training program was reviewed and evaluated every day and adjusted according to the learning needs of participants.
I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.