TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Olalla Gonzalez
“TRAINBOW” was an international training course on how to design, facilitate and evaluate meaningful
educational activities in youth work to strengthen diversity and participation.
The training aimed at empowering and building up the competences of educational practitioners to design, facilitate and evaluate meaningful educational activities in value-based youth work, with a view to strengthen diversity and participation.
The training course was implemented with 28 trainers, youth workers, educators and facilitators from 13 countries.
Practical sessions implemented by the participants in a learning-by-doing fashion, using the full toolbox of non-formal education and experiential learning (eg energizers and physical activities, group work and discussions, simulation exercises and role-plays, the use of creative expression, competitions and quizzes, games, reflection and evaluation, debriefing and feedback, digital tools etc).
A set of educational non-formal education sessions on various topics.
I was part of the team as a graphic harvester in charge of developing an identity for the training on the spot; create visual daily summaries based on the program's sessions and group dynamics and support trainers with development of visual versions of the content pass on to participants.