This is a reference for António Gomes

Train Your Dragon

The training activity took place
in Iasi - Romania
organised by Gamma Institute
16 to 22 of September 2018

Aims & objectives

"Train your Dragon: Thinking, playing, acting metaphors for change in youth" project is a project with 2 youth workers mobilities (international seminars – in Romania and Portugal).
The main purpose of this project is to improve the quality of the activities made by the youth workers from the 5 partner countries in their work with heterogeneous youth groups which come from different educational and cultural backgrounds through a non-formal learning method – therapeutic metaphor - a method that strengthens the main message and facilitates the change at a profound level.
- Developing the skills of 36 youth workers in the use of therapeutic metaphor in the personal development activities of young people from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds inside two international seminars (youth workers mobility) in Romania and Portugal;
- Improving the quality of youth workers' work by developing a working guide with youth groups from different socio-economic, cultural and educational backgrounds and a collection of therapeutic metaphors to help youth workers in working with young people.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

18 participants (Youth workers and Youth leaders) from 5 countries (Romania, Portugal, Poland, Italy and Spain). Team were compost for 3 Trainers (Diana Laura Ciubotaru, Raluca Ferchiu and me).

Training methods used & main activities

We used non-formal tools, Videos, simulation games, Theatre exercises, experiential games, coaching and self-directed learning, taking care to provide a strong experiential impact on participants and organizations.

Outcomes of the activity

The TC learned and developed a news skills of facilitation: Learning to learn awareness, Effective Communication, Problem Solving,
Creativity, Conflict management and Designing a workshop.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role was a trainier in some sessions, especially about Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps Program, Learning Process (YouthPass), Intercultural, Organization Market and follow-up. I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

I worked on this training for 5 Days days as a full time trainer.

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