This is a reference for Katerina Kimovska

Train the Trainer

The training activity took place
in Limasslo, Cyprus
organised by DOREA Educational Institute
17 - 21th of November, 2014

Aims & objectives

This programme provides practical help to enable participants to grasp the mind set of an expert trainer. Appreciating the ‘inner game’ of beliefs and values is crucial when designing and running a training program. The course also covers six skills sets that are essential to facilitating
dynamic and powerful training events.
Provide opportunity to reflect on what does it mean to be a “good trainer”
• Raise awareness of supportive and limiting beliefs and how they affect performance
• Build in the participants awareness of their own beliefs related to being a trainer
• Build in the participants awareness of their own strengths
• Raise trainers’ ability to create supportive learning environment
• Introduce mind expansion techniques to tap into creative force of the mind
• Provide techniques for identifying and handling unrealistic expectations both from
oneself and others
• Provide tools for trainer’s optimal self-care
• Provide techniques for improved trainer-learners communication
• Enhance confidence in the participants
• Expand paradigm of a trainer and hence allow the participants to engage in new
creative ways of teaching
• Provide opportunity to give and receive feedback from other participants
• International dialogue and exchange of experiences and resources

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers (Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, adult, special needs); Teacher trainers; Careers officers, educational guides and counselors.
Participants from: UK and Lithuania.

Training methods used & main activities

Methodology of this training is based on a formula: minimum theory + maximum practice +
feedback = accelerated growth.
The methods used during the training are as follows: presentations, individual and pair
exercises, groupwork and reflection, brain storming, peer support, games.
The participants will also receive study manuals and worksheets that will be used during the

Outcomes of the activity

• identify stages, facilitators and barriers to learning
• recognize the different domains of learning and practically apply these to surgical training
• explain the impact of learning style on teaching and learning
• describe, effectively use, and understand the advantages and disadvantages of various teaching methods
• describe and use a four step approach to teaching a practical skill
• explain the benefits of reflection and identify opportunities to use reflection as a learning tool
• list key elements of session planning, describe their benefits and plan a session using a suggested template
• describe and use a model of effective feedback
• identify what needs evaluating and give examples of evaluation tools and methods
• discuss how to pitch content to different audiences
• reflect on their own current teaching style
• implement changes to planned teaching activities to enhance learning

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Full time trainer
- Session development for 5 working days
- Delivering sessions
- Observe each participant (e.g. behavioral patterns, group dynamics, interaction, emotional state etc)
- Ensure that your participants stay in between the comfort- and panic –zone (stretching/learning zone).
- facilitate the process of fostering their own skills
- developing program content
- developing workbook and participant's additional materials

I worked on this training for 5 days days as a full time trainer.

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