This is a reference for Shadi Zatara


The training activity took place
in Antalya, Turkey
organised by SALTO EM
October 2010

Aims & objectives

TOTEM has been designed to support the learning of those youth workers and youth leaders - already experienced within EuroMed Youth Cooperation - who want/need to develop their competences as trainers in this field.
TOTEM responds to the need of developing specific EUROMED-related competences in the field of training and tries to address to a very specific target group of candidates, being its existence part of an overall bigger strategy which encompass also supporting Youth In Action and EuroMed Youth IV programmes.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

18 Mediterranean and 20 European participants meet at Euromed Youth Center of Adrasan, Turkey from 18th to the 29th October 2011 to contribute to the development of a network of trainers on a Euro-Mediterranean level and to become active actors in the field of Euromed Youth Cooperation.
The participants for TOTEM are already youth workers and youth leaders who have experiences in the field of international work and/ or in Euromed who want to develop their competences as trainers with a methodology based on the approach and practice of non-formal education.

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology of TOTEM is based on the approach and practice of non-formal education in youth worker and youth leader training, as they have been developed and implemented in the past years in training activities which - to different extents - had something to do with training of trainers in EuroMed.

Outcomes of the activity

The conclusion of TOTEM, being its existence part of an overall bigger strategy which encompass also supporting Youth In Action and Euromed Youth IV Programs, was the occasion to announce that at the 1st November, within the Youth in Action deadline, 4 projects have been submitted all with MEDA partners:
1) Spring It Euromed in Poland: among Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, and Egypt
2) Motivation for Activation in Italy: among Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, and Turkey
3) Active in Euromed in Turkey: among Spain, UK, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan
4) Let’s make it happen in Spain: among Turkey, Sweden, Morocco, and Egypt
And for the next deadline (1st February 2012), the partnership will apply for:
Can Ya Makan in Jordan: a training course on Fairy Tale (1st step in Spain)
Religion as cross-cutting issue in Jordan: a training course about Religion
Spring It Euromed in Israel: a seminar about Youth Participation probably applied as the second step of the already presented now in Poland
Active in Euromed in Jordan: the 3rd meeting
A training on Euro-Med Youth Voluntary Service in Tunisia
I are, We am in Israel
Active in Euromed in Egypt: last phase

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I am coached by the trainer Federica Demicheli within the long-term training
I was responsible of a workshop of educational tools of youth participation
and a session about levels of youth participation

I worked on this training for 10 days days as a full time trainer.

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