This is a reference for Marina Luka

The Nature of Professional Wellbeing

The training activity took place
in Hollókő, Hungary
organised by Puentes Hungary Nonprofit Kft.
Reference person

Teréz Pataki

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

This training course put the "HELPER" in the center, gently and holistically. We aimed to create a safe and inspiring space where participants could practice releasing, recharging, and reconnecting with heir
inner resources, nature, and the community.
We offered creative tools, embodied practices, and new ways of exploring their inner potential in a space of free experimentation.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The TC brought together 27 helpers and youth workers from Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Denmark, Greece,
Italy, the Republic of Moldova, Spain, and Ukraine.

Training methods used & main activities

Coaching: to reconnect with your professional goals, identity, inner and
outer resources.
Creativity: to inspire, to mobilize the imagination and the intuition -
painting, visual arts, writing and storytelling will be on our menu.
Feldenkrais Method: these movement lessons and other embodied
practices will support the learning process, promoting physical and mental
Nature: the natural surroundings will serve as a classroom. Stones, leaves,
or branches can become learning tools, and we'll see how the open horizon
stimulates the imagination.
Resting: our intention is to create space and time to recharge.

Outcomes of the activity

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Project and program design, facilitation and co-facilitation of sessions, supporting individual and group reflection, evaluation and reporting.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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